I finnaly saw 2.11 NOOK!!!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx I finnaly saw 2.11 NOOK!!! I finnaly saw 2.11 NOOK!!!


Well, Crusader – we neve did get to see if Xev actually had sex…it was implied.
But then..why’s she still got her clothes on?!

And as for Stan the Man, I’m afraid homosexuality was a bit too much for his character. (Blame that on the Beans, and their homophobic tendencies.)

My fav part was Kai’s interest in finding out all that could – he reads! That’s something that we don’t see much of in Lexx. Most peeps are poor illiterate slobs.
Kai is adept in literature, art, and music.
It seems the Brunnen-G were a much more intelligent society than the rest of the cosmos – woops, don’t forget the Astral-B Heretics…they seemed pretty smart with the exception of Stanley the Moron Idiot Tweedle!

~~~Rustam~~~ “Help me, Lexx is eating my brain!”~~~~