lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4 lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4


I hope you don’t mind my jumping in here, bonnee, but I find your questions interesting.

[b]how do you know about Jeff Pustil reappearing in the survivor takeoff?[/b]

We in the US have already seen S4 episodes up through Magic Baby.

[b] and if you don’t mind me asking – are you a humanities or science student? [/b]

I count people from every background among the number with whom I chat. Many are computer techies, which is only normal since this is a computer medium after all, and most of those are female. I myself come from a personnel/humanities background (I know, odd combo), and still others are in retail or are housewives. A few have legal backgrounds. Real life functions seem to have little to do with an interest in Lexx.

[b]do you think your background makes an difference to the genre indiscrimination?[/b]


As to the sexuality/necrophilia question, most of the women with whom I talk refuse to accept Kai’s deadness as definitive, so I don’t think necrophilia really enters into it. The point is, he’s a very sexy, good-looking man, we all know the difference between the actor and the character, and he is competently performing his job as entertainer, as we are performing ours as spectators. I will say, however, that one reason everyone is shocked by the preponderance of females to males is that females have always been underestimated, and this is just another example. Kai is NOT the only reason to watch Lexx.

Certainly a lot of the humor and innuendo is directed squarely at the gay/bi audience. The Beans wasted no opportunity to mine every corner of society for ratings. That’s show biz, folks.