lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4
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[b]how do you know about Jeff Pustil reappearing in the survivor takeoff? sounds like your not a casual viewer of television if you have/seek out advance knowledge.[/b]
Yep, I seek out knowledge. I’m not a casual viewer of any TV shows, I either really like them or I don’t watch at all. Hence, I only watch about 5 shows total. (hmm, that would be Lexx, Buffy, Angel, Xena… that’s about it. If you count a show we don’t get here though, The Tribe, then that would make five. I get tapes of it from overseas…. well there you can see the genre I like to watch [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]). So anyway, yep I read about episodes in advance, cause I like to know what happens when it happens.
[b]if you don’t mind me asking – are you a humanities or science student? do you think your background makes an difference to the genre indiscrimination?[/b]
Well I’m starting Uni next year, so I will be (Bachelor of Arts/Education doing mainly history and Japanese.. the science doesn’t really bother me, but I was good at it if that counts). Does my background make a difference, well, I don’t see why it does….
[b]getting really personal – does your previous remark about the good looking guy being strapped above xev indicate an attraction to either or both?[/b]
My remark was aimed at the guy, ie yeah like it was hard for him (being a guy) to be strapped above a good looking love slave… [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] I’m attracted to him (hence my glad to see him again comment), but I do think Xev/Xenia is pretty, I mean what human doesn’t?
[b]do you think the show appeals to a bi audience – or women curious about their own sexuality and/or are necropheliacs?[/b]
Hmm, probably. When I first saw the ads for it ages ago, I thought oh geez, here’s a show for the fella’s full of sex…. of course since I’ve watched it sex has only happened a few times, even though it’s talked about a fair bit. But as for bi/gay people being attracted to it, well I haven’t a clue. It’s mainly only straight people that I know who watch it, but I see no reason why they wouldn’t find appeal in the show as well (Xev for the girls, Kai for the fella’s, and just the opposite for straight people).
Well, I’ve gone and confused myself with all this typing and answering, so if I’ve confused you with some bits just let me know and I’ll try answer in something that resembles logic [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]