LEXX Episode 4-11 posted.

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx LEXX Episode 4-11 posted. LEXX Episode 4-11 posted.


okay, i am going to throw in with you guys, (partly because i cannot understand the discussion between aleck and bonnee in the other thread,) and say i enjoyed mnm a lot… for me it was like brigadoom; i hate musicals, went in expecting the worst, and found myself giggling and really paying attention…and i like the sophomoric humor, and the gay jokes, and the bickering married couple…i also love kai flitting and stan swishing; those two swish better than most of the gay sendups i have seen…it may be simpleminded, but it’s fun and completely out of character for them…and i also particularly like the mocking of the druids/wiccans/name your favorite neopagan cult wannabes…hell, it looks a lot like a scifi fan convention [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
and saddy and newkate, i am sorry to disagree, but i giggled a lot at bad carrot too! it’s a great parody of every ‘cops’episode or film fbi raid ever done, and the proctological exam scene was hilarious…so yeah, the soundtrack was a bit much, but prince, kai, and stan’s humiliation was definitely fun, and unexpected (kai and prince are supposed to be invincible and immortal, remember)…and yes, i like season 4, except for xevivor… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]