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Accck!! Newfangled!!! *Rustam puts her head between her legs*
I had no idea what a problem you’ve got.
Must admit, I understand. I have the Salter Street contract sitting in my hard-drive, waiting for the moment when I have the courage enough to send out my ideas. I’ve not gotten far. The series moves way too swiftly for me to keep up. (Were I in Canada, I might have had a fighting chance.)
SEE ALL the LEXX you can…and write FAST. My email is available to you should you have any questions.
Do depend on me for technical info!
I’d love to help.
As others have said, Darrow is also an excellent source for information.
*Rustam fights the urge to say “AND a bit LONGWINDED!” [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/redface.gif[/img]

I hope your script makes it. Mine have been contorted and shreaded so many times that I can’t make head nor tail of them anymore.
Knock those Beans’ socks off!!!!
Good luck, [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

~~~Rustam~~~ “Help me, Lexx is eating my brain!”~~~~