lexx writers
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Great topic! It caught my attention, and this is my first post to this board.
First, good luck (very, very good luck) to Newfangled in getting hired as a Lexx writer. I welcome a writer who takes the pulse of the series’ fans. I’m all for maintaining series integrity, but creators do not always have a perfect vision for their creation. Take Star Wars: Episode 1, for example.
Let me echo many of PrayrieWolf’s sentiments. I, too, started out watching Farscape, with occasional exposure to Lexx Season 2. I wasn’t too impressed at the time, because (not having seen the movies that started it all, and seeing the episodes out-of-order) the whole thing seemed disjointed. Also, Sci-Fi Channel’s focus on promoting the sexual elements of Lexx did not appeal to me. I’m all for little sex, but when I sit down to watch something, it’s the story that comes first.
BUT I began to sense something greater in the show, as I started seeing elements of Mantrid. And finally, when I saw Brigadoom, I was utterly hooked. What at first seemed only superficial sexual wierdness (“Are you ready for some strange?”), was revealed to have a foundation of epic proportions, and incredible artistic qualities.
After that, I found SadGeezer’s site, and got the story of Lexx in proper perspective from his episode guide. At the same time, Sci-Fi finally aired the first 4 movies. FANTASTIC.
Since then, I’ve been taping everything, and showing the series to anyone I can rope into watching it. The consensus basically agrees with SadGeezer: That first film, I Worship His Shadow, was totally kick-arse amazing. The rest of the series is good, but I don’t think it has ever quite reached the awe-inspiring level of the first film, with the exception of Brigadoom (which coincidentally revisited many elements of the first film)
I also agree with Rustam on many things. Kai is the center of the story, the hub on which the wheel turns. “It makes an ancient rumbling sound!” He is the one telling the story at the beginning, he is often the focal-point throughout. In Brigadoom, they say they are telling Kai’s story, “the most important story that ever happened…”
I’d also like some more kick-arse music, and I agree that our crew should not hang around Earth too long. Much bigger, more exciting things are to be found elsewhere. And like Crusader, I’d like to hear more about Stan’s past, and the Astral B Heretics’ rebellion against the Divine Order. From folks I’ve talked to, His Divine Shadow is still the best baddie in the whole series. And my friends and I really liked the BIG story-arch style of season 3.
PrayrieWolf has had the same thought I’ve had! The “re-big-bang” theory. In the world of Lexx, time moves in a circle. Events repeat in cycles of time, as the two universes repeatedly collapse, and are reborn. And because the two universes are not separate, but occupy the same space and time, I believe the collapse of the Light Universe also caused the Dark Zone to be reborn.
Thus, as of now, our crew is 4000 years into the next cycle of time!
So, where would I like to see the series go? I’d like to see it return to its roots. Those roots that were planted in the first movie, and built on in Brigadoom. I’d like to see things be brought full-circle, as it is in the cycles of time. And I’d like to see our crew as the monkey-wrench, thrown into the mix, messing everything up!
I’d propose that their actions at the end of season 2, causing the Light Universe to collapse, messed up the balance between the two universes. Both are reborn, but time now flows much faster in the Light Universe.
I want to see our crew participate in The Great Insect Wars! I want to see the Lexx fight in the final battle against the Insect Civilization, with the Brunnen G from Brunnis!
I want to see our crew travel into the Light Universe, only to find thousands of years have passed, and the Divine Order is on the rise! I want them to go to Brunnis 2, and see Zev get in a catfight with Kai’s living lover! I want to see the Lexx fight the Foreshadow, with our crew singing “Viao A O” on the bridge!
I want to see the Lexx defeated, and retreat to the Dark Zone just long enough so that, when they return, they witness the destruction of 94 Reform Planets! I want to see Thodin back in action, and an uneasy alliance between the Arch Traitor and the Astral B, to use the Lexx against the Divine Order! And I want to see our Kai facing off with the mindless assassin version of himself!
Every TV series must eventually end, and whenever the time comes for Lexx to end, I would love to see things be brought full-circle in this manner. It would bring closure, and would give the writers a chance to further explore some of the really cool elements only tasted before: The Great Insect Wars, the talking stars, the Brunnen G in the Dark Zone and in the Light Universe, the Astral B and the Reform Planets, the return of His Divine Shadow!
What do you think, Newfangled? Everyone?
Sgt. Draino