Posted 1st January 1970
by sgtdraino
Lomea is BACK!
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › Lomea is BACK! › Lomea is BACK!
27th March 2001 at 1:17 am
Okay, as moderator for a discussion list myself, the following two comments made me very uncomfortable:
Moderator F/X wrote:
>so the fact that you have nothing against
>the man indicates that you either
>unfamiliar with some of his hate doctrine
>or that you agree with it, and if i sound
>judgmental here, i assure you it is
>entirely intentional.
Moderator F/X then wrote:
>refrain from comments impugning the
>intelligence or education or whatever of
>the other members of this board, or you
>will get edited
I think you can see why this made me uncomfortable.
Back to lurking…
Sgt. Draino