Posted 1st January 1970
by FX
McManus Reproduction…
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › McManus Reproduction… › McManus Reproduction…
2nd October 2001 at 5:23 am
Originally posted by :
Did I just say that outloud…?..[img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]
[i] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] yup, and we all heard it too [/i]
PS I believe he does have a son…so the future drool pool can be alerted now….[i] ah ha! i was wondering if he had managed to make it to forty without ‘slipping up’…i assumed he was either very careful, or very polite [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [/i]