Most Touching Moment (in an Episode of Lexx)
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Originally posted by DalekTek790:
It was in [i]Heaven and Hell[/i]. I thought that was kinda nice, considering how poorly Zev usually treats 790.
“Exterminate!” -Dalek warrior, [i]The Daleks[/i]: Episode 4-[i]The Ambush[/i]
“Feel the power of the dark Crystal!” -skekTek the Scientist, [i]The Dark Crystal[/i]
“I will love you forever!” -drone #790, [i]Lexx 1.1: I Worship His Shadow[/i]
wow, i am agreeing with dalek tek [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
you are right dt, the lexx universe is ultimately cruel, and part of my laughter is horrified recognition of the familiar; it is not enough to love somebody, or want to die for them…you have to look right, act right, have the right friends/job/or whatever…so yeah, i have sympathy both for 790’s plight, and for his reactive snidery after being scorned so many times…and no matter how many times i see zev flounce off and say ‘see ya lover boy’, i have to laugh even as i am thinking ‘you bitch’…oh well, color me a disillusioned romantic [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]