Re: just a thought

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[quote=”Jennicide”]what about the buffy/spike thing.

or as my housemate and i call it: spuffy.

spuffy was cool coz it took the vampire / slayer thing a a lot further than they could go with angel. spike never had the fact of losing his soul hanging over his head. in fact while they had a relationship (if you can call it that) he didnt even have a soul.

It brought out a whole new side of spike. or rather, an old side that we hadnt seen for ages. at least not since dru left him. for ages there he was wandering around, he could have compeated with angel for the brooding vampire award he was so boring.

but then the tensions started with him and buffy. i think the best thing that happend in the last ep. was how he recognised that she never loved him, and it was ok.
i agree with whoever said it (im in the middle of writing an essay, im not gonna bother with quotes and stuff) that morality is different now. you don’t necessarily have to be in love with someone to sleep with them. sex can be its own tension.

however, i dont really think its possible for many, (if any) shows to consumate a relationship and not balls it up. there’s no tension in it. by letting the characters be happy for any length of time people lose interest. I mean, Oz and Willow were perfectly happy – people were losing interest though.[/quote]

I find it amusing that so many want to see a relationship in a series blossom, but then get bored of it in no time, it’s a good thing if a series is coming to an end because there is nothing too worry about if it goes pear shaped, but trying to get a romance going with main characters is suicide if the series looks to run for several seasons.
The smart thing with Whedon is that he always made sure the romances ended in disaster, so the slate could be wiped clean and a new love interest could pop up for Buffy, Xander and Willow and even very rarely for Giles, this show was never going to have a long term romance and that’s why it remained fresh for so long.