Re:BAD NEWS: Michael not at DC!!!
› Forums › General Sci Fi › Sci Fi Conventions › BAD NEWS: Michael not at DC!!! › Re:BAD NEWS: Michael not at DC!!!
Well, well, well. Hmmmm; it’s no big surprise here either nor is a matter of being really sad about it; who loses are those that really wanted to meet him and ultimately MM himself at some point;
It’s got nothing to do with me; some people usually make their own hells or prisons because they refuse to change and become stagnant. Fear, anger, and arrogance are the prison guards to this hellish prison but this prison has never been locked. I guess he is still languishing there; it’s tragic.
I want to see Lex G; he’s such a sweetie and he was kind to me; put us all at ease. ” Sigh” well, I will have memories of blue lips and hot shots. Thanks Lex G for you kindness to me. i hope you have a full and fun life and a World Series winner in Canada. if it ever happens I’ll see you there I’ll buy the hotdogs you get the beer.