Re:Cult Music Videos
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The first music video (or was it a film) that ever caught my imagination was the black and white one that went with David Bowie’s ‘A Space Oddity’. The woman washing up with the sink exploding. The space ship in the middle of the kitchen floor. Truly mind blowing 😯
We went through a wonderful fad in the 1980s of superb videos. I quite miss it now. I think the most prolific and polished were Duran Duran, though I think their unpolished ‘Girls on film’ probably got the most fans 😉
Then there’s two which used that style of annimation where it looks like the pictures are being drawn while you look at them. (Sorry don’t know the name or how to describe it Rather like the snowman, but with no colour).
Aha’s Take on me which mixed real with animation was one of my favourites.
My absolute favourite was an animation which went with Queen’s Save Me. It was a woman brushing her hair and later jumping from a bridge. It was incredibly moving and I’ve never seen it since, but it made a truly lasting impression on me.