Re:Daniel and Marty Transcript
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PS. Teg is the reason I think it might be likely they are only just evolved Face Dancers.
Teg seems to be the connection to the Machines.
It was Teg that destroyed Arrakis, and Teg who created the first Cymeks/Cyborgs since the Jihad. And this line stinks of a connection between Teg and the Machines:
(356pg in softcover, Chapterhouse Dune)
The pilot relayed her words. Back came the order: “Reduce velocity and lock onto those coordinates for landing. We are taking over your ship control at this point.”
The pilot touched a yellow field on his board. “Just the way the Bashar said they would.” A gloating sound in his voice. He lifted the hood of his head and turned.
The face was a metal mask with two glittering silver balls for eyes.
We enter dangerous ground.
It also hints that Teg did this to save people from being captured by the “Net”. But none the less, everything Teg seems to have done insured the return of the Machines. But that’s another conversation all together =)