Re:Good…bad…? Ash is back. He’s the one with the gun.

Forums Other Forums The Pub Good…bad…? Ash is back. He’s the one with the gun. Re:Good…bad…? Ash is back. He’s the one with the gun.


I had a ton of fun playing the PS2 game “Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick.” I don’t know anything about the first Evil Dead game that was made, but I’ve been told that “Boomstick” is much better. I had so much fun playing through the adventure that I played through it again. There’s even a button to press that makes Ash quip a one-liner.

Anyway, the game had a “making of” video included. In an interview with Bruce Campbell, he said that he wouldn’t mind making another movie but that Sam was “busy making Spiderman.” (The game was made a while ago.) He didn’t really say anything about money problems. IMHO, I somehow doubt that money is a problem because the franchise is so popular.