Re:JMS (babylon 5) New Announcement Rumour
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Babylon 5 & Crusade › JMS (babylon 5) New Announcement Rumour › Re:JMS (babylon 5) New Announcement Rumour
[quote]It also seems amazing that although the JMS News site have details, there weren’t any articles in the babylon5 moderated newsgroup (for so long, the only real info site for babylon5!!) [/quote]
Yeah, I’ve had that problem in the past. From what the techies tell me that although the posts are universal, news servers aren’t and have diff filters which cause legit posts to be removed, or never posted at all. =/
Frankly some of the better news on the Sci-Fi front in a long time, could it be possible that we could see a new BSG series AND a new B5 series? Along with a resolution to the Farscape saga.
Just when we thought Sci-Fi was dead….