Re:Kin Dza Dza DVD almost ready
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It is a crime, whole-heartedly agree with your sentiments, and I really appreciate having had the chance to watch this masterpiece — such treasures should get as wide an audience as possible.
It’s wacky AND great, a rare combination — has a real emotional relevance to me, and the dialogue is fantastic (amazing job with the subbing)… off-beat and original! Truly this was a revelatory film for me, I haven’t enjoyed one so much in years, when the DVD is available I will definitely get it. This film has all the makings of a cult classic, it is the ULTIMATE cult film, an amazing find.
Vey nice job with the menus! Looking good! You’ve done a real service to the community. Thanks Newkate and Sad for your dedication and perserverance with the project. I heartily recommend this film — the ultimate cult sci-fi film for the cult sci-fi community.