Re:Let’s talk weird movies!

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ShadowedVenus, I didn’t see Forbidden Planet or Donnie Darko, but I really liked Memento too, though I did trip over some parts of it, the actor did a great job. I’ve been back and forth about seeing Irreverisble, I’ve picked it up and put it back again, since I heard there was a rape scene that was very graphic….and I’m not sure I’m up for that lately, but I know I will see it at some point because I did like Memento and am wondering about this other movie so much…..

Unfortunately now, the neighborhood I live in in Boston’s rental stores don’t really cater to much foreign film tastes- much to my dismay. At this point I’m surprised when I like something new from Hollywood. (Though I did see Pirates of the Caribbean twice!) Oh and the Ninth Gate was TERRIBLE 😥 . J. Depp couldn’t do anything for it.

Elmey, Woman in the Dunes was great!!!!! Very thirst inducing, all kinds of thirst!!!!!