Re:Lexx Dragon Con Apparel

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[quote=”mandara k”]Well., I’m just saying the camera hates me per se as much as the camera loves others. I’m not fortunate in that way that’s all; you want exposure in the photogenic way you will have to look elsewhere; sorry if I was unclear.[/quote]

🙄 My dearest Ms.M… Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…as well you know! Quit making yourself out to be Medusa! HEL-LO?!
I have met you in person, remember? The cameras will be focused the guest stars…and people who want their pictures taken! Ours is all work, no glory! Anyway, people will be looking at our chests, not our faces!!! Do you really want me to elaborate further? 😈

Who knows? By the end of Saturday night you might be prancing around in duct tape, too! You know, when in Rome, do as the Romans…. 😉 Or at least participating in the LEXX fans
wet LEXX T-shirt contest. 😯