Re:LEXXian Life On-Line

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[quote=”elmey”]Welcome on board Jhevz! You don’t need to change names–I like the one you’re using here and I have a hard enough time remembering my own, much less another new one 😉

It might be interesting to know what the Trekkies are up to 8) If you’re willing to go among them, sure, let us know what’s going on there.

OK Boss, off-line for a while now.


Thanks for your post & insight; I’m glad you don’t want me to change my name; here I won’t, because I only use Jhevz; I meant on, in fact, that’s probably what I should of said. I’ll probably posting on both boards using this name, I’m just trying to make up my mind for
I didn’t go to last month’s meeting, mainly because it was just too hot to go; I’m hoping either this coming month or in September, after I come back from Dragon*Con; I’ll still keep you informed.

Lexxian to Lexxian,
Jhevz 😉

PP: ok mandara k, I’ll give a PM when I can till the time comes.