Re:New Competition! Babylon 5 CRaZy CApTioNs

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade New Competition! Babylon 5 CRaZy CApTioNs Re:New Competition! Babylon 5 CRaZy CApTioNs


Yep, I just noticed that too :/

The fact is that I, as webmaster, don’t currently have access to my email account nore do I have access to FTP, so I can’t actually see new (or entries from the last two weeks) or update the competitions page!!

It’s a crazy situation but hopefully Headgehog has recieved my message asking him to update the page and extend the competition to the end of October rather than the end of September. I know that may wind a few of you up, but I am worried that there were some final entries that didn’t get to me before the deadline and I wanted everyone to have a fair chance.

Sorry for the hassles peeps, but believe me, I’ve not forgotten about the competition!