Re:Official word on the Lexx comic book…
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › Official word on the Lexx comic book… › Re:Official word on the Lexx comic book…
Uh-oh Lexathon be careful of your wording. It sounds like you are saying that “true” LEXX fans will back them through kingdom come on anything LEXX. That’s not neccessarily a fan but really says fanatic. I think we discussed the difference before. If you want fanatics target them; if you want both ….well….. it would depend on the story now would it not? We all were drawn to LEXX for as many reasons as there are stars in the sky and over the years many have come and gone. I actually did closure on it in DC but does that mean I wouldn’t pick up the comic, or be supportive of those who created the show? No, but don’t sell it on name alone; sell it on merit unless making money is what they want to do.
I may not be the extroverted type and I had other things to do than hang around with the cast at DC so enlighten me and humor me. What is the comic book doing? And for cripes sake do it in text; I cannot access any filming that happened at MegaCon or at DC. I want it text if possible. Not all of us have new computers 😥
I know people hate Disney but I loved what they did with the Japanese anime of Spirited Away. All of that imagination! It was exciting to watch and this…. THIS is kiddie stuff about a ten year old girl. it wasn’t steeped in sex; it has some violence yes but it was captivating.
Do not sell out LEXX; hold out for the right story to pursue.