
Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff Quatermass Re:Quatermass


Quatermass Well I agree with you it was OK I’ve not seen the original but I did rate Q/mass and the Pit which was brilliant and then there was always The Stone Tape which I saw when it was originally aired way back in 70@s so that dates me… still the story has haunted me since. The new Q/mass was s strange kind of time slipped experience….still at least the BBC had the moxie put the thing out. Not much imaginative scifi around, certainly not in the mould of Mr Lynch’s Dune. Interesting how the new Dr Who borrows from just about everything gong from Lexx (Bad Carrots safely metamorphosed into the little spiders) to the watered down 3rd Stage Navigator and minions….shame but then it is, and always has been, mainstream saturday night fodder.

See ya Loverboy