Re:Role Playing Gamers?

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Dungeons & Dragons. I’ve played that since about 1980. Now if I can only figure out how to break this Satan-worshipping habit. 😈

Generic Universal Roleplaying System. I’ve played that since about 1987. I was in the process of writing my own all-encompasing role-playing game when I discovered GURPS.

I tried Vampire: The Masquerade in the mid-1990s but I was bored to tears by the Game Master who insisted on tons of role-playing and no use of skills, combat or anything that involved the aquiring of experience points or level advancement.

BTW, if you like Vampire: The Masquerade, be sure to see the movie “Underworld.”

I’ve decided that the no-maps/all-talk role-playing games are unsatisfactory and I’ve decided to go back to using miniatures and maps in order to bring back that wargaming feel. I’ve been running D&D games lately using the 3rd Edition rules and I’ve been pretty satisfied.