Re:Sexiest Stars?

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[quote=”nursewhen”]Umm *cough* I do believe Orlando Bloom is of the male variety and rather nice in Pirates of the Caribbean too 😀 [/quote]

I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Sadly however, i’ve not actually seen “Pirates” yet… stupid Australian release dates! However I do have the intention of doing so.

I’d also like to add another sexy star to my list:

and that is, Seth Green aka Oz in buffy.

Really, the goodness that is Buffy just never stops does it? I mean, even though is has all sadly ended, the goodness just continues – whether it be in the forms of memories, or the dvd collectors editions.

You really must forgive me my sentimental ramblings – being so far behind, we only just lost the show the week before last. The last tastes are still lingering.

But if you really think about it both Buffy, and Angel (the shows) are filled with beautiful people. Even being of the female variety myself, I can still, with good conscience say that Willow is hot, dispite her apparent doudyness. As is Xander – especially when he was a soldier..mmm