Resident Evil: Is It Sci-Fi?
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Um…good point Bester,just keep in mind that Jesus wouldn’t have called himself that by any means. Firstly, he was Jewish, and a poor one at that, He was given a Jewish name, and since there is NO “J” in Hebrew sounding or language, his name would have been Yeshua (derivative of Yhoshua= Joshua), or Yeshua HaMachiach (Jesus the messiah, if you include this in your religon). The name Jesus is from the Greek word for salvation,
Iesous, and was devised as his name as the groups of believers slowly shifted from mostly Hebrew to mostly Greeks. Just adding some info there [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] thought I’d elaborate, a little OT though [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] .