Re:Which Fantasy/Sci Fi Character Are You?

Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff Which Fantasy/Sci Fi Character Are You? Re:Which Fantasy/Sci Fi Character Are You?


Princess Leia

A strong-willed herald of causes against injustice, you passionately strive to right the wrongs around you.

Somebody has to save our skins!

Leia is a character in the Star Wars universe. See her character entry at the Star Wars Databank for more information.

Snootch to the nootch, I totally realized that there wasn’t an option for Trance Gemini…cuz I would’ve been it…so instead I came up as Princess Leia.

(Side note: I [i]am[/i] Trance Gemini…everyone who’s met me online and later IRL agrees, “You’re just like her! I mean, SO MUCH IT’S CREEPY!” Hehehe…so I [i]am[/i] a living anime character! W00t!)