Re:Writing Aids – What’s your favorite

Forums General Sci Fi Original Science Fiction Writing Aids – What’s your favorite Re:Writing Aids – What’s your favorite


7th_Dizbuster wrote:
[quote]I am glad to hear the high fibre diet is starting to work. If only the creative juices were as easy to free up. Good luck!![/quote]

:mrgreen: 😆 😆

not exactly what I meant but that’s funny!! heehee

However, sex and toliet humor aside, I did get some writing done and I found listening to soundtracks was a nice way to put me in an imaginative frame of mind.
Listened to soundtracks of: Gladiator and Ghost in the Shell.

why they both start with the letter G – I don’t know.

Anybody else get fixated on letters in their writing???

I’m very fond of names that start with M.

Quote from Fowler:

“Writing is easy, just stare at a blank page until the blood drips from your forehead.”