Re:You Might Be A Redneck Jedi If…….

Forums Other Forums LaughterHouse-5 You Might Be A Redneck Jedi If……. Re:You Might Be A Redneck Jedi If…….


What a hilarious thread! Here a a few others, one or two of which have had some inspiration from previous posts:

You might be a Redneck Jedi if…

*Both sides of your family have unusually high counts of midi-chlorians.

*Your Jedi robe is flannel rather than the traditional brown cloak.

*Much to the bewilderment of yer opponents, you insist on fighting your light-saber duels at “high noon.”

*Your X-wing fighter only gets 12.5 light-years to the gallon, but you brag to all your friends about making the “Kessel Run” in under 11.5 parsecs.

*You’ve been cited by the Emperial Game Warden at least once in the past year for poaching Ewok outside of Ewok hunting season.

*You’ve ever shot a fellow Jedi/ severed a limb by accident while yelling, “Hold my beer and watch this!!!”