Salter Street are a bunch of scum sucking *******s!

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst Salter Street are a bunch of scum sucking *******s! Salter Street are a bunch of scum sucking *******s!


i’ve been so bummed about S4’s writing i’m almost *scared* to find out how my beloved lexx ends. ::sobs:: not the literal ending — just the eps we have to sit through to get to it. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

i agree with Sad and have been saying that exact thing for months — i think the beans hove been smoking too much weed before writing the S4 eps. i liked S1-3 quite a bit, but i am saddened by most s4 eps… [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

i haven’t seen bad carrot yet but what i’d heard so far i’d thought sounded funny & had promise… i could be wrong though. i certainly have been before — i thought fluff daddy had promise… but IMHO i was wrong, heh.

i thought fluff daddy was disappointing as heck… i know mcm is *over* the whole having drooling fans thing, but, he looked like a greasy scrub in FD & this is supposed to be tv not the RW. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] (I’ve seen pics of how he dresses in RL, I’m not impressed.)

anyways — moving on… i thought i was alone in this??? lol! last time i posted my disappointment in S4’s writing here i was personally flamed and put down so i must run away now, hehe…

elfikins [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

ps- I love lexx… I LOVE lexx..! I LOVE LEXX! please do not flame me, lol! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i’m just unhappy with where it’s going, writing- wise. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] it’s still one of my top 5 all time fave shows… ::sniffles, wipes arm on sleeve::

[DOH!!!!!!! I exceeded the smilie limit again!!! Now… I must wait like 2 mins to post… wah.]