Sci-fi remains naked and shivering in the closet of shame…

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst It’s not just us that think TV Sci Fi is crap! Sci-fi remains naked and shivering in the closet of shame…


They certainly aren’t very original or creative thinkers. And. personally, I don’t really care much about mainstream acceptance for what I like — I like it cult. Mainstream = death to cult.

We’re special cases we are *pats on backsides all around.* Mind you, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take this seriously. The Emmy’s are industry awards (their time to shine the spotlight on themselves and gives themselves a pat on their grotesque backs).

And ‘though their choices are not particularly artistically motivated, and their decisions and the event itself is best approached with deep cynicism and scorn (buckets of rotting vegetables are appropriate to bring to such an event, but most off all if you’re going to enjoy it, bring a sense of humour, ’cause it’s a joke), it is a concern.

It is a concern because until they fully and publicly accept sci-fi as worthy of merit and endorse it as a true art-form (the Industry is perfectly happy to make money off of it though while they publicly ignore it), entertainment’s spotty and [i]malnourished[/i] cousin can never fully blossom, and most sci-fi will remain very juvenile dreck. But then so is most TV it seems.

Ah well…