Season 4 in the UK
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I kind of doubt that Lexx will finish about the same time in both the UK and the US. Lexx is schedualed to resume its regular broadcast on Jan 4, 2002. So unless SciFi US gives Lexx another hiatus; or SciFi UK shows their eps starting at the same time, more then once a week; or a a combinmation of the two, it looks like America will beat you to the finale by about 10 weeks.
Of course this is a good thing and a bad. Its bad because obviously your “out of the loop” as far as spoilers and news. (How do you think we Americans felt all these years) But its also a good thing because you’ll ge to enjoy watching new episodes longer then we will. I like having this break in the season, during this down time, my anticipation will only grow for more episodes. Thus when I do see the second half I’ll enjoy it more.