Stuff for Lexxians to do at Dragon Con
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OR all us midwest LEXXians can meet in Chicago, and after a few beers, hot beef sandwichs, and a Hawks/Mapleleafs game, we can all pile in my brother-in-laws rented Piper and he’ll fly us to Toronto for a night of carousing in front of S.S.’s main office! Upside: plane ride free! Downside, he’s only had his pilots license less than 60 days [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] Upside: he’s already flown to Toronto twice, so at least he won’t get us lost! Hell! Maybe I can talk him into shuttling all us midwesterners to Dragon Con (alive?) Hey! We could stop in Texas and pick up the frey and the brother! I bet he could even land that thing right at the Hyatt! How’s [i]that [/i]for making an entrance! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] BUT I would never seriously plan [i]any [/i]of this until Mandara’s crystal ball is fixed! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] T_T