Vladd Interview – Anyone want to do it?
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Originally posted by trillian:
Bwa ahahahaha, Naive, I like that. It’s a whole new way to be. And that means I get to act geniunely shocked most of the time.
But don’t forget, I’m a bit brusque when I’m feeling shy, so I’m scared I would screw it up, geek out, get too excited, forget my brain, unattractively seize up in the thought area, drool and be sent to an “institution”.
Erm..my point being that I would be honored to tag team it, but you first, X. But that’s all up to Sadgeezer in the end. He may have somebody who already volunteered.
Tag Team action sounds great, in the blue corner we Hypatia the brave and FX the mighty.
And in the red corner we have X the ass kicker and Trillian the Inquisitive Naive.
The winners of that bout would face off against the winner of Aleck the Courageous and Aurora the Magnificent vs Squish the stupendous (or is that stupid!?!) and the Gigashadow…wonder who’ll win that one???
The two final combantants will face Vlad, but I suspect we’ll all be too bruised to stand up, let alone ask questions!!!
Or we could all just pick straws.
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