WE ARE NOT TERRORISTS! (Warning! this topic is very controve
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Unfortunately, the world is beginning to look like centre stage for a boxing match.
In the west country of origin and where we belong takes precedence over the religion we follow, yes religious aspects cause a few problems in the West, but they do not invoke war or cause a people to rebel.
It has to be said that the muslim faith has come together as if they all belonged to one country, a religious leader who can invoke hysteria and panic has more power than those who are elected to govern.
So the pattern is, a religious zealot will twist the muslim belief to serve his needs, but where most nations would dismiss or argue if a politician had said something, muslims will not question the zealot.
Most muslims are strictly adhered to their faith, their heroes and champions are the ones that are at the top of that faith.
For instance, if the Pope said ‘The catholic religion should smite it’s enemies’, then it’s likely most catholics would think he’s lost the plot and would not act.
Most muslim countries are vunerable, their countries are led by religious icons, those religious icons don’t believe in the way the west does certain things, the mistrust then becomes part of their religion.
I’m sorry to say that Islam is being led blindly to not only to hate the west’s values and principles, but also the innocent people who cherish those values.
I have nothing against religion, but let’s face it, religion plays second fiddle in the Wests development, but we don’t need religion to tell us we are inherently a peaceful people who don’t wish to see war or others suffer.
In the middle east it is all about religion, it governs their lives, and through it comes tension.
Religious practices should be of importance to those are devout, but it should never be allowed to dictate someone’s opinion.
As the human race as a whole develops, most are beginning to think that the following of a deity is more to appease those who feel that this is what defines them as a person and the belief that a God will keep them safe and ensure that there lives are richly led and they will prosper why serving that God.
Aside, from the middle east, most of us are only now realising that our desting truly lies in our own hands, and that a part of us says that God is just our own fears and
We no longer live in ancient egypt, we aren’t the greeks who believed in the olympian deity’s, we are evolving and should not be scared of what we don’t know.
At one stage history will record the demise of broad religions and the walls it put’s up, we are all human beings, no different to each other, we essentially share the same heritage, we were all born from the same place, so when that time comes, we will reflect on it and the religious differences will no longer hold us back.
Unfortunately most religions are stagnant, point blankly refusing to embrace new ideas, those who are in power shun the prospect of change, with change comes knowledge, and the religious icons fear the day when we no longer need a faith to depend on, and they will do all that they can to ensure that this situation continues for a very long time.
Islam is a prime example of this, but is not the only guilty party.
But the middle east hasn’t budged much since the middle ages, it still feels that it’s on a crusade to spread the teachings of the Koran, and it’s values are deeply rooted in physche of it’s followers.
The middle east sees the rest of the world’s growth as a threat, so these extremists play on the fear that the west is trying to destroy Islam, when it’s actually Islam itself that’s destroying it, if you look at this religion and many other’s, there is no allowance for mankind to grow and learn…one day we will all realise that we must depend on each other, be they Asian, American or European.
Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]