What is Lyekka saying, anyway?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx What is Lyekka saying, anyway? What is Lyekka saying, anyway?



Originally posted by trillian:
[b]*scratches head*
Not meaning to be a party pooper or anything, but did you ever find out what Lyekka was saying?

My curiousity is getting the better of me.[/b]

You *DO TOO* mean to be a party pooper! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Seriously, though, no. I spent a considerable amount of time this week looking for my Sci Fi broadcast tape, and couldn’t find it. I know it’s around there *somewhere*, though. I shall take an exhaustive inventory of my video collection this weekend and post if I get news. But I’ve got something like 2,000 videos on the racks, and this may take a while (I should really take the time to label my tapes more clearly).
