what was that thing, continued

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx what was that thing, continued what was that thing, continued



Originally posted by DalekTek790:
[b]…a conversation I had with a friend of mine that you might find humerous-

Lee: Have you ever seen [i]Lexx[/i]?

Charlie: Yeah, I saw the episode with David Bowie.

Lee: Uh, I don’t think he’s been on the show.

Charlie: Yeah, it was David Bowie with his hair up and dyed black. He was shooting at balloons with a grappling hook.

Lee: Actually, that was Michael McManus. He’s in every episode.

Charlie: Oh. He looked like David Bowie.

Lee: I suppose he does a little. Michael McManus has a cult following online. I go to a [i]Lexx[/i] message board where a bunch of girls have been discussing his hair.

Charlie: That’s just pathetic.

LOL! Thanks for sharing that DalekTek. It flashed me back to the first time I saw Bowie (when I was a wee lass) – and it wasn’t entirely unlike the first time I saw Kai. They both made my eyes pop out and cavort about on the floor. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

– Aurora