Will Earth survive Lexx?

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I do know that, if the crew of the Lexx landed in NY, I doubt anyone would even notice.

true enough!one of my favorite subway riding treats from the 80’s was ‘ARK NARK from galaxy nine’: he would jump into the car once the train got moving wearing a purple tunic and carrying a saxophone…he’d play the tune from the twilight zone then he’d give a little shpiel about being (natch) ark nark from galaxy nine, and his spaceship had broken down, and would we please give him money for repairs….i thought he got points for originality…then there were the purple people from washington square park, a couple dressed only and completely in purple that would wander around washington square park with a giving off ‘tude…and who can forget rollerina…ah well, you know i dont recall a mention of the cod in the kama sutra, not even the pop up version [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]