XEVIVOR and other episode reviews
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Originally posted by *LexxLurker*:
[b]Did you know Nigel Benett(Prince) was in EFC? [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Had an episode where he starred as an aging marine with a vendetta against the Companions. Good episode shame he didnt get a chance to really shine in it tho.hehe sorry to go OT but since most here are Gene Roddenbury fans.
Interesting lil fact: Paramount offered Gene two choices in 78-79.
1) Make Star Trek the Motion Picture
2) Make a new series called: Earth Final Conflict [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]Glad to see he chose 1. Imagine EFC in the 80s yecch [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Majel Barrett(?) made the show happen kinda as GR’s last wish. Taken from [url=http://www.efc.com]www.efc.com[/url]
Yeah EFC has had the best long term Arc outside Lexx. However recently with this final season its hard to tell if this was the planned ending to the series or if this season is more due to people quitting the show [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]
PS Von Flores is far and away the best actor in syndicated TV imo. Sandoval is one of the best characters GR ever created.
Okay I promise not to mention EFC again [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img][/b]
Wow, I never knew about the two choices Gene Roddenberry was given, that’s fascinating,if he had chosen EFC, then it’s likely the movies would never have got made and TNG, DS9 and Voyager may never have come about.
Thank god he chose the movie, because you’re quite right, EFC just would not have worked in the 80’s.
The technology that exists for EFC’s effects did not exist back then, and EFC is better for today’s FX.
I hope Von Flores appears in other things, he was excellent as the evil and double dealing Ronald Sandoval.
Has EFC finished for good now???
Annoyed Squishy