2001 Space Idiocies

Forums Animated Cult Sci Fi Tripping the Rift 2001 Space Idiocies

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  • #39862

    Well I can’t say I was laughing as much as last week, or really laughing at all. But I definetly liked the episode. Bobo was badass, and we finally got to see his lightsaber again. The plot was nice, I was entertained and my attention didn’t wane, and overall it was enjoyable. I think the “lesson of today’s episode…” was too upfront, like it was in Miss Galaxy. But I still enjoyed it, I’ll prolly enjoy it more when its not chopped apart by repeated ads for Van Helsing and Mad Mad House.


    Agreed. Not a knee-slapper but smiles all the way through. An enjoyable episode.


    It was a decent episode. I liked that Bob used his lightsaber. I also like the fact that Chode didn’t seem like a complete idiot in this episode. He seemed pretty intelligent. Also, i believe this is the first episode where Six has had sex. The closest to sex she has come was in Sidewalk Soiler, but Whip kinda ruined that. WE NEED MORE WHIP!!!!!


    [quote=”kamisama103″]Also, i believe this is the first episode where Six has had sex. [/quote]

    Spoken like a true sadgeezer. You’re right this is the first time we’ve seen Six have sex, or rather it was implied. Of course we have seen her engage in plenty of other illicit activities.


    “Spoken like a true sadgeezer. ”

    -thank you, thank you.

    “You’re right this is the first time we’ve seen Six have sex, or rather it was implied. ”


    “Of course we have seen her engage in plenty of other illicit activities.”

    -also very true.

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