Analyzing Sci-Fi Fans
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- This topic has 57 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 23 years, 5 months ago by
12th October 2001 at 9:08 pm #49367
Originally posted by X:
So before we go any further.. and since APEC seems to be invading this board. Can we just please drop the comparisons now before this gets ugly. As you can see, I have very strong oppinions about certain people on the SciFi bb and I know they have strong feelings about me.
What is “APEC”? Association of People Exceptionally Cruel? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
I just wanted to throw in my two cents. I will not tolerate cruel behaviour. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]
Beware, evil-doers! Flamegrape is on the prowl! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
13th October 2001 at 1:47 pm #49368Anonymous
GuestWell this will be my first and very last post regarding those sad woman on the Sci-Fi board that go by a certain equally repulsive acronym. X don’t worry about them they can’t possible pull what they have pulled there here. People know us here and at the first sign of any attempt to start a man hating flame will be crushed to the power of infinity. So don’t worry about those old cows because they will not succeed.
sorry sloppy, but i wanted to tone it down a little, … i agree that there is sort of a clique at scifi bb with a lot of behind the scenes and public fighting that will not be tolerated here… i ,for one ,am an equal opportunity misanthrope [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
[ 13-10-2001: Message edited by: FX ]
13th October 2001 at 9:06 pm #49369FX
Participantfor the record, i find aleck and dt’s sniping entertaining and educational, but as you all know, i will butt in when things get too ugly [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]…this is my family and i come here to play with you guys, not to get the same aggro i am already getting in real life…so post away and welcome all [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img](smooches, x, got that ‘puter fixed yet?)
13th October 2001 at 10:59 pm #49370Anonymous
GuestWow, I certainly didn’t expect such an outpouring regarding the other list. But
since we’re not on the other list right now,
perhaps all that stress of previous
experiences could be put away for another time. I love to read posts from each and
every one of you, but like the other board,
if someone says something you disagree with,
it’s shouldn’t become so personal. We’re
all certainly adults, and all have a right
to our own opinions, so the idea of calling
the other board members ‘cows’ pretty much
smacks of the same behaviour you accuse them
of…doesn’t it? I don’t think anyone here
on this thread had insulted anyone until then..
If you’ve had bad experiences at the other
board, then surely you wouldn’t want a repeat
of that behaviour here? As for APEC members
‘invading’ the board, I don’t think one
person’s post constitutes an ‘invasion’ of’
any kind, regardless of where they’re from.
I think I’ve tried to be fair regarding the
responses to my post here, but since they
seem to just **** everyone off, I’ll stop
responding to this thread, in order to keep
peace..I have no axes to grind….after all,
everyone has been super nice to me at both
[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]14th October 2001 at 1:15 am #49371Flamegrape
ParticipantWhat the heck is “APEC”? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]
I do not visit that other bboard. Educate me. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
14th October 2001 at 3:24 am #49372Anonymous
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
Wow, I certainly didn’t expect such an outpouring regarding the other list. But
since we’re not on the other list right now,
perhaps all that stress of previous
experiences could be put away for another time.
I wish that could be so Maya, but since they can’t seem to put it behind them, it’s really a mute point. I thought the air had been cleared long ago but then I started hearing bad things about me again. Then I started seeing posts that continually put down me and Slop. There were even some people who asked why they were doing this. Drgrequeen’s response was “well I tried to be nice to X and Slop” but what? I posted and asked what she was talking about. Didn’t get a response but what I did get was attacked by the others. The best they could do was annonamously flame us and then some dip**** made this, “beat the dead horse” post by suggesting I was the one bringing up old news by wanting to know why they were still on my case. I took great offense to that. Especially since they were the ones that were continuing to beat dead horses and harass us. It’s what finally caused me to just leave the place.
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
I love to read posts from each and
every one of you, but like the other board,
if someone says something you disagree with,
it’s shouldn’t become so personal. We’re
all certainly adults, and all have a right
to our own opinions,
Actually Maya, that it what this whole dispute is about. Try telling that to your friends in APEC. Of course they like to twist things people say into something they are not. And most of them don’t even read responses from the people they are attacking they just jump on the “let’s flame this guy” band wagon. And APEC doesn’t like people to have their own oppinions. Hope you never disagree with them, cause you will see for yourself firsthand how quickly they will **** list you. And look at Dgre’s signature- “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional” that is most certainly APEC’s mantra.
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
so the idea of calling
the other board members ‘cows’ pretty much
smacks of the same behaviour you accuse them
of…doesn’t it? I don’t think anyone here
on this thread had insulted anyone until then..
Indeed that is true, Maya, but that have been really ugly to Slop. Personally I didn’t like BullysE saying I was probably one of those guys that gets off on beating women just because I called VisionAri a self-righteous bitch for flaming me although she hadn’t read any of the posts in question before attacking me, just because I was “flaming her friends”. Mattered not that they attacked me for a difference of oppinion and then just because it ****ed them off, started saying that I was telling them to stop posting their CF’s, which of course I never have. She even admitted to being self-righteous and not having read my posts.
And of course Micromary says I am a “minion of Slop” cause I oppose their harrasment of people, although I have quite a few reasons of my own to dislike them.
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
If you’ve had bad experiences at the other
board, then surely you wouldn’t want a repeat
of that behaviour here?
Definately. But I don’t think Black Cloud and FX would allow for that. I also believe that’s partially why there has been no backlash yet.
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
As for APEC members
‘invading’ the board, I don’t think one
person’s post constitutes an ‘invasion’ of’
any kind, regardless of where they’re from.
Well, lesse, there’s elfie.. never had any problems with her as far as I know Xept for the fact that they started flaming us annonymously. So who knows. I know Doffy has advocated people attacking me and Slop but unless she’s also done it under a different nick.. Drgeequeen has outright continually fanned the flames against me and Slop and has outright attacked us herself. elfie, Doffy, and Dgreequeen hardly qualify as one person. And I hardly think it coincidence that they all start posting at the same, especially since I’ve seen them post their discontent about this BB namely because me and Slop are so well liked over here. So what does that sound like to you?
Originally posted by mayaxiong:
I think I’ve tried to be fair regarding the
responses to my post here, but since they
seem to just **** everyone off, I’ll stop
responding to this thread, in order to keep
peace..I have no axes to grind….after all,
everyone has been super nice to me at both
[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
You are a super nice person Maya, but as long as you don’t **** them off of course they will be nice to you. Even Hitler had friends so the guy couldn’t have been a total jerk to everyone. Unfortunately APEC still has aXes to grind with me and Slop.
Any new people they don’t like that they think are male they assume to be me or Slop in disguise. They treat these people like crap and wonder why they get so ****ed off.
I for one took great offense to your post being as that APEC has handily labelled me a “troll”. The word seems to be thrown around these days with hardly any care. I also had some friends in some of these other Yahoo groups that were annoyed and ****ed off by the common Slop and X bashing. Of course they were ignored and **** listed. The cool thing is whenever APEC has these little private chats with Brian Downey aka “overprince” in chat, they share with him the bull**** from the BB and tell him about these “trolls” (ie: me and Slop) who like to “ruin” their “fun”. Once he even opted to speak to these rumored “trolls” for them on their behalf and of course they told him not to bother cause it wasn’t worth his “precious time”.
And while the info Doffy may be posting about Brian may seem cool, the reason none of you know about it is because these little APEC chats are APEC Xclusive which means anyone who intrudes upon these little cyber shindigs will be promptly booted, especially me and Slop, especially anyone from which ironically is where Brian usually chats. So I hope no one is Xpecting to be invited to the neXt one.
Btw, Maya, thank you again for offereing to dub Magic Baby for me, but I wouldn’t let your “friends” on SciFi know about it as people who openly or admittedly associate with me or Slop are aptly blacklisted. Just FYI.
10 dollar say this reply end up in APEC mailing lists and Yahoo group.
-X, Lord of the Sith
14th October 2001 at 3:32 am #49373Anonymous
GuestBtw.. did I ever mention?..
That I saw a post once accusing me and Slop .. AND.. TONY… aka “Sad Geezer” of all being one in the same? Simply because Slop started spelling some words with Xcessive “X” usage like I do and Tony sometimes uses words like “thanx”. They believe it is slip-up when I or Tony or Slop, or whomever *I* am supposed to be is hopping back and forth inbetween identities.
They were like “well.. unless someone saw them all there at UnCon”..
So based on that theory I or.. Slop.. or Tony.. whoever I am.. am in fact in aXXuality over 80% of the people online.
Man I must be really bored.
-XXOO (or whatever the hell that’s supposed to be [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img])
[ 13-10-2001: Message edited by: X ]
14th October 2001 at 5:15 am #49374FX
Participantme again, seems like there are a lot of hurt feelings just now so i am going to do what saddie asked before; close a topic when it hits 40 posts(makes the board wobbly doncha know)…in the meantime, i am kind of curious as to what apec stands for, so feel free to open a new thread…love fx
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