"Belly of the Beast" amazement (Possible Spoilers)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda "Belly of the Beast" amazement (Possible Spoilers)

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  • #36100

    Contrary to the opinion of another board member who commented that episodes following that in which we meet our first vedrin as being dull, well to you i say “Are you Nuts!”. I just finished watching “Belly of the Beast” and all i can once again say is wow. While at some points i was slightly confused by the confilcting plans of the crew as how to escape it was by all account a fantastic episode.Though they all seemed to ver look the fact that they will have to rebuild the andromeda a whole new slipstream drive, that will take weeks! And in hindsight the Slip Drive from the Pax Magellanic had the explosive force to obilterate a planet, didn’t this one seem smaller in comparison? My only other notpick of the episode was claimctic scene with crew revelling in their success, why didnt anyone dance with Rommie? I expected Dylan to be the first to ask her or if not him Harper for sure. Though i suppose harper dancing with the droids id make him in some small way dancing with her, oh well but still a great episode. In fact I think im gonna watch it again, Bye for now. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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