Brits to get Andromeda Season 2 before the US?!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Brits to get Andromeda Season 2 before the US?!

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  • #36020


    Cable and satellite broadcasters in the country will air “Its Hour Come Round At Last” on Sept. 24 for the first time. Then, on the following week, the networks will air the second season premiere, “Turning the Widening Gyre.” [/b]

    [url=]See the syfyportal article[/url]


    I just watched Turning the widening episode. OH BABY is it good. What a whopper!

    You won’t believe what happens to one of the crew..


    I just watched Turning the widening episode. OH BABY is it good. What a whopper!

    You won’t believe what happens to one of the crew..


    Oh, happy happy day! I hope this is true. I read the damn spoilers for the first ep of season 2 and I’d go into meltdown if I had to wait 6 months to see it.

    This gives me something to look forward to: I turn 30 the day before TWG airs. I guess I won’t be hurling myself under a train after all. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Oh, happy happy day! I hope this is true. I read the damn spoilers for the first ep of season 2 and I’d go into meltdown if I had to wait 6 months to see it.

    This gives me something to look forward to: I turn 30 the day before TWG airs. I guess I won’t be hurling myself under a train after all. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Sky announcer says that the 2nd series starts next monday at the usual time.. makes a change from waiting up to a year between series of startrek eh?

    The last episode tonight.. umm.. my.. oh my.. woah..


    Sky announcer says that the 2nd series starts next monday at the usual time.. makes a change from waiting up to a year between series of startrek eh?

    The last episode tonight.. umm.. my.. oh my.. woah..

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