dancing twins

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx dancing twins

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  • #37381

    Am I imagining it or was there one episode with dancing twins?


    Are you talking about the ballerinas in “Tunnels”, maybe?


    I don’t know why I thought there were dancing twins. In the introductory bit of one of the videos I have there is a girl dancing and then another girl dancing with a lolipop in her mouth. I can’t place which episodes theses sequences are from.

    I thought I read a posting where someone mentioned dancing twins in the same context as the milk-fed boys that Gigerotta liked.



    Originally posted by Rockham:
    I don’t know why I thought there were dancing twins. In the introductory bit of one of the videos I have there is a girl dancing and then another girl dancing with a lolipop in her mouth. I can’t place which episodes theses sequences are from.

    I thought I read a posting where someone mentioned dancing twins in the same context as the milk-fed boys that Gigerotta liked.

    Can I have some of what you’re toking? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Rockham:
    [QB]I don’t know why I thought there were dancing twins. In the introductory bit of one of the videos I have there is a girl dancing and then another girl dancing with a lolipop in her mouth. I can’t place which episodes theses sequences are from.

    I think that might be from Luvliner. I don’t remember any twins, but I believe one of the girls in the video ad for the Luvliner had a lollipop. One of the girls on the Celes Pleasure Transport in Stan’s trial also had a sucker (besides Stan, that is). [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Rockham:
    I don’t know why I thought there were dancing twins. In the introductory bit of one of the videos I have there is a girl dancing and then another girl dancing with a lolipop in her mouth. I can’t place which episodes theses sequences are from.

    I thought I read a posting where someone mentioned dancing twins in the same context as the milk-fed boys that Gigerotta liked.

    Could it be the two girls from Lafftrak possibly?



    Originally posted by JumpingJedi:

    Could it be the two girls from Lafftrak possibly?

    People, people, people…

    It’s the two girls that greet Stan on the Seles Pleasure Transport in “Stan’s Trial.”




    Originally posted by Aleck:

    People, people, people…

    It’s the two girls that greet Stan on the Seles Pleasure Transport in “Stan’s Trial.”


    That’s the one Alex

    Kog [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Letuna and Martana Sim are each listed as “dancing twin” in the cast list for [i]Lexx 1.4: The Giga Shadow[/i].

    [ 22-10-2001: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    Come on, isn’t anybody gonna respond? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] I (partially) solved the dancing twin conundrum, doesn’t anybody care. Rockham? Flamegrape? Hello… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Rockham:
    I watched The Giga Shadow last night and I couldn’t see any dancing twins. You are right though, they are listed in the credits.

    Maybe they were in the original version but were cut. I remember that the version of IWHS that I recorded from the TV is different from my video cassette version, some sequences were dropped in one of them, like when Stan was running out of oxygen in his space craft. Also the cute voice of the exploding bug was omitted in one of the versions.

    I don’t remember seeing them, either. I can’t even think of a scene that could possibly contain dancing twins. Where they a space mirage when Stan was low on oxygen? Were they guests at Feppo and Smoor’s party? Were they from one of Kai’s flashbacks? Were they being cleansed? It boggles my mind. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    Of course, if everybody’s right there are dancing twins in like 5 episodes. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    I know what you’re saying about scene clipping. A bunch of material is taken out of [i]Lexx[/i] episodes and movies when they’re shown in the U.S. I even heard that a scene with Zev and the Cluster lizard in [i]Lexx 1.4: The Giga Shadow[/i] ([i]Tales from a Parallel Universe 4.0: Giga Shadow[/i] to us unterprivaleged Americans) was cut due to its erotic nature (I have yet to hear confirmation. Hey, perverted Brits! Little help here? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ).


    I watched The Giga Shadow last night and I couldn’t see any dancing twins. You are right though, they are listed in the credits.

    Maybe they were in the original version but were cut. I remember that the version of IWHS that I recorded from the TV is different from my video cassette version, some sequences were dropped in one of them, like when Stan was running out of oxygen in his space craft. Also the cute voice of the exploding bug was omitted in one of the versions.


    In Lexx 1.4: The Giga Shadow Kai and Zev go down to the Cluster. Feppo and Smoor immitate Zev’s voice and say something about lots of people on the Cluster and they’re having a great time. Maybe they send images too of people having fun and the dancing twins are part of this.

    I don’t remember any erotic scenes from this episode. I think it was in 1.2 Super Nova that Zev takes a shower and you can see her bum.


    [i]Supernova[/i] by Liz Phair

    [i]I have looked all over the place
    But you have got my favorite face
    Your eyelashes sparkle like gilded grass
    And your lips are sweet and slippery like a cherub’s bare wet ass

    ‘Cause you’re a human supernova
    A solar superman
    You’re an angel with wings afire
    A flying, giant friction blast

    You walk in clouds of glitter and the sun reflects your eyes
    And everytime the wind blows, I can smell you in the sky
    Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16
    And you f*** like a volcano, and you’re everything to me

    ‘Cause you’re a human supernova
    A solar superman
    You’re an angel with wings afire
    A flying, giant friction blast
    You’re a giant, flying friction blast

    ‘Cause you’re a human supernova
    A solar superman
    You’re an angel with wings afire
    A flying, giant friction blast[/i]

    (I had this song going through my mind when you were talking about naughty scenes in Supernova. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] )

    [ 02-11-2001: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]

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