Dutch Treat gets Dutch Ratings

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Dutch Treat gets Dutch Ratings

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  • #37473

    Firestarter Pt. 1 2.2
    Indy Last Crusade 1.9
    Star Trek: Generations 1.4
    Willow 1.0
    Star Trek VI 1.0
    Back to the Future III 0.9
    The Chronicle 0.8
    Rawhead Rex 0.8
    Blade Runner 0.8
    Strange World 0.7

    Come on Neilson’s, all were asking for is at least a 0.8!

    Hopefully [i]The Game[/i] one of the greatest episodes in a long time, will get the ratings it deserves!


    Hi there, Ryan. I’ll agree with you that the ratings suck. But, on the other hand,
    LEXX isn’t doing another series so it is sort of academic. When the show needed to pull ratings, it did, enough with fan help to justify this season. These ratings don’t help Brian’s chances for a spin off, but perhaps it might not be fatal.

    Like yourself, I’d like to see better ratings for LEXX, but we get what we get.
    Put half the blame for the ratings on
    Sci Fi’s shoddy and inept handling of the series from day one, place the other half
    on a radical change of format and inherent weaknesses in this season.

    In the end, it will be a completed work.
    What else can we ask for?


    Lexx’s ratings will probably be up for the final 4 episodes since it’ll finally have Farscape as a lead in again(like the show or not it’s partly responsible for some of the better ratings LEXX has got.)

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