Episodes recut for different markets

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Episodes recut for different markets

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  • #37294

    I saw the in a different post a complaint about episodes re-cut for the American market.

    Now with great trepidation (as I’ve been sick all month an am not really feeling up to being flamed) I would like to know how many viewers this really upsets. I myself am more upset about the delay in releasing merchandise to various countries (LIKE MINE) than the fact that I am not getting a boob shot in it.

    Coming into this Lexx thing late, like two months ago, I was had to ‘Borrow’ season two and three from someone who had Canadian copies. Now since I was trying to watch thirty-three hours of programming all at once, I pretty much watched an hour or two every night. Or as my brother put it, ‘All Lexx, All the Time.’

    My twelve year old niece, seemed to have a nack for barging through the living room at just the wrong time. Even though I shut the tapes off, I myself could have lived without a twelve year old dancing around the house singing ‘Aunt’s watching poro, I’m telling Uncle” (Although Uncle just laughed and told her no I wasn’t and to leave me alone.)

    I will grant you that if I wanted to I could see stuff just as bad on cable (or worse if I’m up late enough) but the episodes I did see from season three on SciFi didn’t seem to have any story missing, and I could watch them with out worrying about the kid, so I don’t mind them being re- cut. How do the rest of your feel about this?

    Oh, come on. If you can’t laugh at the walking dead, who can you laugh at? – Dan Fielding, “Night Court”
    Of Course if Dan had ever met Kai, he might have quickly become one of the dead.


    No, in fact missing boobs etc doesn’t mess up the story line. With me it’s a complaint on our American television system. They won’t show a perfectly natural thing like people taking showers, but they don’t bat an eyelash at barraging us with brutalized women, stomped and chomped bystanders or actors blowing people away at every turn with the fabricated and obvious shock schlock special effects. Makes me tired and I watch very little American TV for that reason. I love Lexx, boobs or no and am glad to have alternative entertainment available compliments of Salter and Co.


    I will agree with you on the violence thing. I could also live with out that also. I don’t watch much TV, and most of what I do watch is taped. I find it less aggravating if I can fast forward through the gratuitous violence and commercials, although some times they are one and the same.

    Oh, come on. If you can’t laugh at the walking dead, who can you laugh at? – Dan Fielding, “Night Court”
    Of Course if Dan had ever met Kai, he might have quickly become one of the dead.


    I watch Lexx on City and Space from Toronto.They have no problems showing the complete shows .There have only been a few shows where we would not let the kids watch certain scenes.The context of any nudity is important.In Wake the Dead,it makes sense to have nudity in the shower scene. However, I was surprised to hear some of the unLexx-like language when crazyKai was lying on the floor ranting.
    Does attractivness play a role in censorship?Would one be as upset if they found out a scene with Stan’s butt was cut?(No offence meant)The Video Movie guide has a PG rating for Waking Ned Devine for GEEZER NUDITY.I think I have rambled enough.


    It’s an interesting and complex issue. I really understand about the youngsters seeing stuff on TV that we wouldn’t like them to watch, but the sanitised formula can be taken too far.

    Some shows go so far as to twist the show so that it has a moral standpoint which fits completely outside the storyline but presumably ‘in’ with the censors.

    For instance, I have just watched an episode of Stargate where SG1 go to a planet set in medieval times. They are accused of being demons and that the real baddie is non other than God. Daniel points out that the big baddies isn’t being God, but the Devil and yet it would have been more accurate to have the big baddie depicted as God, since more violence (at least in medieval times) and misery was caused in Gods name than in the Devils.

    This fiddling with the storyline and editing of TV shows (I’m sure the show was edited to fit in with the moral standpoint of the censors) is patronising. No boobs and cut violence is also patronising since it means we have to suffer at the hands of the censors scalpel.

    On the other hand, if yer gonna show violence and sex then it should be done realistically. As as ex-doorman, I’ve nevver seen a fight depicetd on TV that was a bloody or violent as in real life, and I’ve certainly never made love the way they do on TV (God! I’d have fallen asleep [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ) – Though I am not sure if I’d want to see that sort of thing on my TV screen.

    I’m definately in favour of the watershed (violence and nudity late at night), but I’m not in favour or gratuitous cuts in the episode AFTER the watershed. I just don’t like the idea of some geezer deciding what I can and can’t watch on my own TV screen in my own home.

    I fully accept that my views are not shared by all, but it’s such an interesting topic, I just had to express my own feelings.

    By the way LEXXFan, I know how it feels (sort of) the most embarrassing episode for me was when I watched Wake the Dead while my parents were in the room [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] )




    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    [b]Some shows go so far as to twist the show so that it has a moral standpoint which fits completely outside the storyline but presumably ‘in’ with the censors.[/b]

    Another good instance of this (in addition to the SG:1 episode you named) is the movie [i]Brazil[/i]. When Terry Gilliam delivered a film that was *just* over the length asked for by the studios, he lost final cut, and was presented with a version edited by the studio heads (I forget the guy who devised it) that [b]completely[/b] messed with the storyline of the film, to the point of giving it a happy ending. (The altered version of the movie can be found on the DVD special edition, called the “happily ever after” version.) Thankfully, it never got released in this version (though I think it might have aired on television like this…I forget).

    quote[quote][b]This fiddling with the storyline and editing of TV shows (I’m sure the show was edited to fit in with the moral standpoint of the censors) is patronising. No boobs and cut violence is also patronising since it means we have to suffer at the hands of the censors scalpel.[/b][/quote]

    …Amen to that. This basically sends the message that no one is adult enough to responsibly choose what they (or their children) see. Which is one reason (no offense to the UKers on the board) that I’ve always said until recently that I couldn’t live in Great Britain. The whole “video nasty” thing has always put me off, and I’d always contended that any country that wouldn’t allow me to watch [i]Evil Dead[/i] or [i]Cannibal Holocaust[/i] could take their business elsewhere. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    quote[quote][b]I fully accept that my views are not shared by all, but it’s such an interesting topic, I just had to express my own feelings.[/b][/quote]

    I completely agree. It is an interesting topic, and relevant! Especially here in the States nowadays when congress is openly criticizing the film industry and the amount of sex and violence they’re “forcing” into the lives of everyday citizens. People claim that it desensitizes us to the effects of violence in everyday life, yet Japan is one of the most non-violent countries in the world, and yet their entertainment is MUCH more frank in its depiction of sex and violence.

    Interesting conversation here!



    Welcome Lexxfan,
    I find the most annoying thing is that here in the UK, you are never sure when Channel 5[the only channel I can watch it on,I dont have cable etc] is actually showing it. They had no intention of showing season 3 until after all of the videos had come out anyway.
    I had seen some of the tv eps before the videos, and as far as I could tell they hadn’t censored it in the UK. I could be wrong though.
    Personally I think the sex in Lexx is negligible as no one gets any anyway[at least not in any graphic detail]As you say there appears to be much worse stuff that is allowed to “slip” through the net. I sometimes think that Lexx is “punished” for it’s honesty. Some tv companies seem to think that if you soft focus something and call it erotica that somehow, that makes it better and therefore exempt from the censorship that Lexx appears to have suffered.
    I believe in the US they don’t even show Lexx in sequence! As you say cutting the so called “porno” bits doesn’t exactly inhibit the continuity of the show. I don’t know how much of Michael’s nudity was axed in S3, but it was fairly justifiable in terms of the Kai character I would have thought? No doubt though some US censor would be reaching for the scissors [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]
    that’s my penny worth anyway [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
    Kog x

    [This message has been edited by kaisothergirl2 (edited April 16, 2001).]



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] Especially here in the States nowadays when congress is openly criticizing the film industry and the amount of sex and violence they’re “forcing” into the lives of everyday citizens.

    i agree with you all on the right to choose what to watch, and i do despise a censor but i guess we have to remember that we live in a country that was founded by the religiously persecuted who couldnt wait to set up their own country where they could bash the crap out of anyone who didn’t agree with them…it’s amusing because the more you mystify and glamorize something the more people build it up and give it a completely unwarrented importance…hence the sex taboo in our puritan culture with the concommitant use of sex to sell everything…oh and what’s the first thing you do when you’re old enough to drink, why you go get drunk of course…the other problem of course is that this is a young country relatively, with an adolescent national character, hence everyone running around doing stupid things but at the same time trying to blame someone else, ie the tv/movies/books made me do it, or the tobacco companies made me smoke, or mcdonald’s made me burn my legs when i was driving with an open coffee cup…GAHHHHH i’ll stop ranting except to mention that maybe we should just get rid of all the lawyers so people would have to start living with the consequences of their own decisions,then they wouldn’t have time to try to tell everybody else how they should be living!


    I was about to respond to SadGeezer’s last post when my computer suddenly and inexplicably went offline. Now I’m back and there are two more posts to deal with.

    SadGeezer-I don’t see how you can say the censors take [b]too much[/b] out when still watching some episodes of [i]Lexx[/i] there is significant offensive material. If you ask me, the censors at Sci-Fi Channel are sleeping on the job. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] And, yes I expect to be violently assaulted with numerous disagreeing posts by various angry board members immediately after I submit my opinion (that’s the usual turn of events [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ).

    Aleck-I would’ve given [i]Brazil[/i] three stars except they hit us with a suprise sad ending so now it only gets one and a half. [i]Evil Dead III[/i] could’ve benefited from a few scenes being cut, too. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

    F.X.-I can’t quite figure out what you’re talking about but…uh…sex in media bad; Puritan philosophy good. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Personally, I think the sex in Lexx is pretty juvenile(except that scene where Kai was doing that shoulder thing to May WHICH WAS CUT!!!!), and that wasn’t even sex. I hate when shows are cut due to time restraints, so nine zillion commercials using sex to peddle inane products can be aired. These ‘tiny’ cuts may not seem to make much of a difference to the censors, like they [i]actually[/i] know something, but often they make subtle differences to the plotline or how the viewer takes in the scene. The playful, whimsical, often ridiculous sensuality of Lexx is nothing compared to the scene cuts for time. That’s why I like my Lexx uncut and unadulterated.

    There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by ridicule, howsoever poor and witless. Observe the ass, for instance: his character is about perfect, he is the choicest spirit among all the humbler animals, yet see what ridicule has brought him to. Instead of feeling
    complimented when we are called an ass, we are left in doubt. (Twain)



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b]Aleck-I would’ve given [i]Brazil[/i] three stars except they hit us with a suprise sad ending so now it only gets one and a half.[/b]

    It’s a dystopian fantasy. Anything other than a sad ending would have been more of a surprise. How happy was [i]1984[/i]?

    quote[quote][b][i]Evil Dead III[/i] could’ve benefited from a few scenes being cut, too. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/eek.gif[/img][/b][/quote]

    There is no such movie as [i]Evil Dead III[/i]. There’s [i]Evil Dead[/i], [i]Evil Dead II[/i] and [i]Army of Darkness[/i].


    [b]F.X.-I can’t quite figure out what you’re talking about but…uh…sex in media bad; Puritan philosophy good. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    Since the Deuce MacInaugh (or whatever the alias was) thing, I’ve stopped believing anything you say. So I don’t believe for an instant that you’re as puritanical as you make yourself out to be. You’re just trying to cheese people off, like a slightly wittier Spite Smith.

    …Or is *that* the other name you’ve been posting under?



    [i]The Evil Dead
    Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
    Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness[/i]

    [i]1984[/i] sucks.

    Now don’t you dare compare me to Spite Smith! He’s just some crazy person who posted once about how science fiction fandom as a whole is stupid, and I submitted a post disagreeing with him. I don’t try to offend people, I just tell it like it is. Some people disagree with my opinions but I only rarely compromise my beliefs.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b][i]The Evil Dead
    Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
    Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness[/i]

    [i]Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn[/i] is only referred to by that title in the promotional materials. The onscreen title is simply [i]Evil Dead II[/i]. The “Dead by Dawn” part is, essentially, a tag line. Also, [i]Army of Darkness[/i] was *never* known as [i]Evil Dead III[/i], and has only been referred to it under this title in fan circles. Universal executives did not want the film to be known as part of the “Evil Dead” series, reasoning that not enough people saw the first two films, and that the potential audience would refuse to see it if they knew it was the third part in a cult series. They wanted the film to stand on its own, and not as a sequel.

    quote[quote][b][i]1984[/i] sucks.[/quote][/b]

    Opinions are not hard and fast facts, and should not be stated as such.

    quote[quote][b]I don’t try to offend people, I just tell it like it is.[/b][/quote]

    No, you tell it like you see it, which is not neccessarily like it is.


    [b]Some people disagree with my opinions but I only rarely compromise my beliefs.

    …And it’s the constant stating of opinion as fact and the refusal to accept that people in their right minds could ever *possibly* disagree with you that caused me to make the SS comparison in the first place.




    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] …And it’s the constant stating of opinion as fact and the refusal to accept that people in their right minds could ever *possibly* disagree with you that caused me to make the SS comparison in the first place.


    i have given up on the pseudonym thing, and i refuse to discuss sex/censorship with dalek tek, but getting back to censorship, blackie brought up a good point, cutting for commercials which then use sex to sell, and you brought up england not allowing weird/violent stuff in…so do you think in the us censorship is less consistent and more commercially driven whereas the uk seems to be making a more consistent statement with their banning of certain works?


    Blackcloud, Please tell me what “that Shoulder thing” with May and Kai was… I saw that episode and did not realize that it had been censored…..Now you have my curiousity aroused (sorry for that word) what could he have possibly done to May’s Shoulder..????? I await your reply with breathless anticipation….


    Channel 5 cut all Zev’s nudity is “Supernova” plus Schnick’s head being held up after it had been cut off in “Eating pattern”. Paul Donovan has commented on how in America, Lexx is heavily marketed with the emphasis on sex and then has 2 mintutes or so cut from every episode. Lexx have never really featured any explicit sex. “Supernova” and “Boomtown” are the most explicit in terms of acutal nudity. The characters often promote thier sexuality but as Xenia Seeberg has often said: they talk about it much more than actually do it. Lexx should be uncut as long as it is shown at a reasonible time.

    “My world is unaffected, there is an exit here. I say it is and it’s true. There is a dream inside a dream, I’m wide awake the more I sleep. You’ll understand when I’m dead. I went to God just to see and I was looking at me. Saw Heaven and Hell were lies, when I’m God every one dies…”


    Okay, 1st things 1st. Kai and May and the shoulder–In the uncut version, when Kai first meets May, he ever so smoothly and gently pulls the left strap of her gown down. As he is doing this, he is casually carrying on a conversation with her regarding where Xev might be. Once the strap is down, he turns her toward the camera so we can see it too. During the conversation he informs May of his non-living state. When he tells her she is injured she turns toward him and caresses his left cheek ever so briefly with her fingers and comments and you are cold. She then adds, at least I am alive and by now Kai has stepped toward the camera and gets an intersting look on his face. The scene never showed more than May, her shoulder and Kai’s facial expressions(in and of themselves breathtaking.) Whew, I may have to put that back in the vcr and watch it again. Nwmonikr wipes sweat from fervered brow) Just did watch it, therefore the corrections regarding the “scene.”
    Anyway, yes,overall I resent any attempt at censorship. I am an adult and if I still had small children around, I, not a V chip would determine what they are allowed to watch. It just irritates me to see how the film industry has turned to special effects and gratuitous violence and gore to sell a product, namely their lame movies and tv shows!!Here’s one for you, maybe they have resorted to these purile exhibitions of incompetant filmwork because there are no longer genuine “actors and actresses” in the industry. Great ones are a thing of the past and likely we will never see their like again. Bogart, Gable, Hepburn(Katherine),Tracy. Hell-Douglas Fairbanks and Gilbert Roland even Olivier were light years ahead of what shows up now.I won’t even get started on the kind of dreck the industry calls screenplays. Lexx, even with it’s juvenile sexcapdes ala Xev and Stan is light years beyond what the American movie industry calls entertainment. So much more can be said with a look or a touch than with all the fx, blood and gore we are force fed on a daily basis. It’s no wonder people ho-hum when they see snippets and sound bites on the 6 o’clock news. Real life isn’t nearly as fun as movie and television interpretations of said. We have all become desensitized to the real horrors surrounding us. Long live Lexx, genuine entertainment!

    [This message has been edited by nwmonikr (edited April 18, 2001).]



    Originally posted by FX:
    [b]…but getting back to censorship, blackie brought up a good point, cutting for commercials which then use sex to sell, and you brought up england not allowing weird/violent stuff in…so do you think in the us censorship is less consistent and more commercially driven whereas the uk seems to be making a more consistent statement with their banning of certain works?[/b]

    Actually, I think that film and video censorship in Great Britain is far more inconsistent, arbitrary and unfair than in the US (though the ratings board/MPAA *do* give ’em a fair run for their money), but we’re essentially talking about broadcast television, and on that subject I’d best defer to a resident. I’m not exposed to GB’s broadcast rules and regulations in regards to programming, but I think that they’re allowed to get away with far more across the pond than we are in the US. What frightens US broadcasters is *explicitness*. Hinting around about sex is okay, but showing anyone *enjoying* the act is out of the question. Showing a cleaned-up version of violence is fine, but show the horrifying after-effects of said violence, and that’s out. US TV pussyfoots around the “taboo” topics of sex and violence without providing anything close to the truth about what these things are. And this is as true about commercials as it is about programming. Sure, advertisers are going to use sex to sell their product — it’s one of the basic human drives, and to associate their product with sex is going to capture people’s attention. Of course films are going to feature violence — the destructive urge and the need to release it vicariously is part of our psyche, and to some people, seeing someone having their eye gouged out by a zombie is as good as it gets when it comes to releasing this urge. But when it comes to TV broadcasting, I would rather be exposed to these things *honestly* and *openly* than treated like a 5-year-old who might take these things the *wrong way*. Is US TV censorship commercially driven? You bet. Advertisers are more than happy to sneak a little innocuous innuendo in a 30-second commercial, but if a TV show pushes the envelope farther than what the sponsor is willing to show in its own commercials, then that sponsor is going to worry about losing the audience in Topeka (no offense to any Topekans in the crowd) and pull their advertisements. No ads=no network money=no show. So, yes. US TV censorship is *incredibly* commercial-driven, moreso than in the UK, where they don’t have to answer to sponsors.
    Nwmonikr: I have to disagree with you over the lack of quality in today’s films, and the reliance on SFX and gore to sell them. Before the Hays Code went into effect, Hollywood films were often at *least* as risque as today’s network fare. Soon afterward, though, and until (I think) 1968, the Hays Code determined what mainstream Hollywood fare could depict, and did so stringently. Hollywood films could not under any circumstance venture into territory that the independent studios could, and after the code was lifted, inched into the territory slowly until we are where we’re at now. If Hollywood film had been allowed to develop unfettered by the Hays Code, the sex and gore we see now could have been present back in the 50’s. And, as for quality, 95% of movies have *always* stunk. There were just as many turkeys let loose back in 1932 as there will be in 2002. You just don’t hear about them because nobody wants to remember them, and the same will be said for our current crop in 2072. As for actors, most of the leading lights back then were as insipid and those parading around right now. I mean, *Nelson Eddy*??? What were people *thinking*??? I think that there are a number of extremely talented actors out there right now (Derek Jacobi, Kenneth Branagh for the classical folk; Steve Buscemi for the character-actor fans; DeNiro, fercryin’outloud, who’s great in about 75% of his work…just to name a few on my list) that can stand the test of time.

    But, as Dennis Miller says, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.




    Originally posted by Aleck:
    ….As for actors, most of the leading lights back then were as insipid and those parading around right now. I mean, *Nelson Eddy*??? What were people *thinking*??? I think that there are a number of extremely talented actors out there right now (Derek Jacobi, Kenneth Branagh for the classical folk; Steve Buscemi for the character-actor fans; DeNiro, fercryin’outloud, who’s great in about 75% of his work…just to name a few on my list) that can stand the test of time.

    But, as Dennis Miller says, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.


    Aleck, is Gary Oldman anywhere on your list of excellent character actors?



    Originally posted by LexxFan:
    ….. but the episodes I did see from season three on SciFi didn’t seem to have any story missing, and I could watch them with out worrying about the kid, so I don’t mind them being re- cut. How do the rest of your feel about this?


    Well, after viewing this web site, Star Diary [url=http://www.lexx.ufo.ru/synops.shtml] http://www.lexx.ufo.ru/synops.shtml%5B/url%5D
    (point and click on pics to enlarge, etc.)
    I wouldn’t recommend this web site to children under 18.
    I’m not so sure that part of the story line, especially in Series #3, wasn’t somehow compromised because of editing. Now, I’m
    also wondering about all of the other LEXX episodes. I would like to know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when it comes to the story line. I just feel that it has a lot to do with character development in any given episode. Perhaps it’s just me though. How does the saying go, “A picture is worth a thousand words? ” I too believe that LEXX belongs in an appropriate time slot so as not to influence the young ones, or cause heart attacks among the elderly, or the easily excited, or so as not to endure suffering through what often times turns out to be a long winded lecture. As far as adult viewing is concerned, I just close my eyes when viewing, what I consider to be, an objectional scene, (be it violence, sex, or some yucky, gross, oozing stuff) or that’s when I get up and get some more popcorn, or whatever. If someone else is watching with me I’ll ask them to, “Please tell me, is it over yet?” If the language happens to objectional I can always just stick my fingers in my ears. Of course, if I’m watching a video I just fast forward. If the flick is really bad I always have the option of NOT WATCHING IT, AT ALL.

    That’s what I think, for what it’s worth. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

    [This message has been edited by Reveal7 (edited April 18, 2001).]



    Originally posted by Reveal7:
    [b] Aleck, is Gary Oldman anywhere on your list of excellent character actors?

    Oh, definitely. I’d hesitate to put him squarely in the league of character actors, though. I’d put him somehwere in that border between “leading man” and “character actor” as he’s more than capable in both fields, though even in his supporting, “character” roles, he’s got that “movie star” thing going on (not to be taken as a slur, but instead referring to on-screen charisma). Another really great actor that i think occupies this space is Kevin Spacey, who continually knocks my socks off (though I did refuse to see [i]Pay it Forward[/i]). Both of them, I think, are in that strange James Cagney-esque limbo between lead and character.
    When I think explicitly “character actor,” though, I think of folks like Elisha Cook, Jr. (excellent in [i]The Maltese Falcon[/i] and Kubrick’s [i]The Killing[/i], to name a couple) or Peter Lorre, who, even though they may have a leading role in a film, are usually (because of quirky looks or delivery and not because of talent) relegated to supporting roles, and the best modern-day comparison I can make would be Buscemi.



    Aleck-I think Gary Oldman is a very talented actor. I can’t imagine anyone better suited for the role of Dr. Smith besides Jonathan Harris himself. His Smith was certainly evil and depraved, but there is a touch of sympathy there, setting him apart from the typical sci-fi baddie (human or otherwise). In [i]The Fifth Element[/i] he was a shining star.

    F.X.-If people bring up the topic of censorship, I’m going to voice my opinion like everyone else does. It’s freedom of speech: I have a right to say whatever I want, and an obligation to share my wisdom with others. I’m just standing up for my rights. I’m a patriot, just like Linda Tripp, and the Lone Gunmen. Whenever I post something intelligent or insightful it goes over people’s heads and they write shallow posts contradicting me without addressing the points I bring up. I don’t try to be offensive (unlike some people).

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.

    [This message has been edited by DalekTek790 (edited April 19, 2001).]



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] Another really great actor that i think occupies this space is Kevin Spacey, who continually knocks my socks off (though I did refuse to see [i]Pay it Forward[/i]). Both of them, I think, are in that strange James Cagney-esque limbo between lead and character.
    , even though they may have a leading role in a film, are usually (because of quirky looks or delivery and not because of talent) relegated to supporting roles, and the best modern-day comparison I can make would be Buscemi.


    have adored gary oldman since sid and nancy;anyone who has the chameleon abilities to actually physically look different and play anyone from sid vicious, to lovely lovely ludwig van, not to mention his awesome sleazy drug dealer in true romance wins my love and respect…i also love willem dafoe for the same reasons; range and sort of vanilla features to suit the role…johnny depp does well in odd little films but doesn’t seem to have the weight to really lead in a “major film”…i also enjoy gabriel byrne (especially in siesta) and benicio del toro (who i do not think will be a lead because he is too ethnic) as far as character actors, don’t forget john turturro…as far as leads i liked daniel day-lewis, but like de niro and streep the intensity can be a bit much and is best appreciated in small doses (my favorite de niro is still angel heart which was great and unsung adaptation of fantastic book)



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    F.X.-I have a right to say whatever I want, and an obligation to share my wisdom with others. I’m just standing up for my rights. I’m a patriot, just like Linda Tripp, and the Lone Gunmen. Whenever I post something intelligent or insightful it goes over people’s heads and they write shallow posts contradicting me without addressing the points I bring up. I don’t try to be offensive (unlike some people).

    oh dalek tek, no one argues your right to speak, it is your overt and implied arrogance that ruffles feathers…[b]”obligation to share your wisdom”[/b] why are you so sure of your wisdom? teachers and family have told you you are “special” perhaps? i am pretty sure that most of the people here were “special”, so what, college will knock that conceit right out of you, you will be surrounded by “special” children, many of whom will do better than you, and be more succesful than you, whatever that means…again, so what…if you learn that that no matter how much you know there is so much more that you don’t know then you will be on the road to being wise…and perhaps humble…maybe even willing to learn from others and keep an open mind…as far as posting something [b] “intelligent and insightful”[/b],the shallow replies you complain of would appear to be shallow by virtue of the fact that they disagree with your viewpoints, or they correct your information…you may be a patriot, whatever that means, but your knowledge is more stamp collecting than insightful;you have a lot of factoids rolling around in your head but you do not really seem to get beyond very concrete thinking, like actually trying to abstract some sort of universal meaning from your little collection …and if you do not realize how snide and offensive your remarks are,[b] “unlike some people”[/b] you will continue to be abused not because of what you say, but how you say it…i like to hear what you say, but i do not appreciate your condescension…now how about easing up a little? why don’t you explain why you approve of censorship and under what circumstances without posting as if you are angry, and while you are at it, tell us who you think should make decisions for us and why…later fx


    Censorship certainly is a hot topic! I myself go more with the community standards thing. Since I feel that no matter how large the paper, you will always have someone coloring on the wall. Which is okay to a certain extent, since we are all here on the sufferance of our fellows, and those people let us know when it is time to move on. Sometimes we move forward, sometimes we move back.

    On the subject of opinions, we all have them, unfortunately some people (not mentioning any names, but I have known him for twenty-one years) believe that their opinions are more reasoned and thoughtful than everyone else. It really does not matter what position they take, or indeed even if they are the only person in the two universes who believe this position. They feel that if they can explain it to you slowly, at length and enough times, that eventually you will understand sufficiently to form a correct opinion or decision. If you still do not agree with them, they will have to find a different way to explain it, because obviously you haven’t TRULY understood what they are trying to tell you. If you had understood you would agree with them, and of course the conflict would be over.

    You can not reason with these people. Don’t try. The only method I have found to handle this situation is to find the middle ground, where you will be alone, ’cause they ain’t moving. Stand your ground, and say this is as far as I go. If you continue to debate, they think you are still undecided or unsure, and therefore feel obligated to try and help you form the RIGHT opinion. On very rare and special occasions they will, as one giving a great gift, join you in the middle.

    Caveat: One or two passionately held beliefs does not an opinionated-pig head make. We all have our hot topics.

    My favorite quote on this whole subject, was hung on my bedroom door a million years ago.

    [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] When I want your opinion, I’ll beat it out of you. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b]F.X.-If people bring up the topic of censorship, I’m going to voice my opinion like everyone else does. It’s freedom of speech: I have a right to say whatever I want, and an obligation to share my wisdom with others. I’m just standing up for my rights. I’m a patriot, just like Linda Tripp, and the Lone Gunmen. Whenever I post something intelligent or insightful it goes over people’s heads and they write shallow posts contradicting me without addressing the points I bring up. I don’t try to be offensive (unlike some people).


    (A) If I remember correctly (and I should, since I’m looking at the post right now), FX simply said that she was not going to debate censorship with you. Not that you shouldn’t speak.
    (B) Do you not see the inherent irony in, on one hand, defending censorship, and on the other, defending your freedom of speech?
    (C) Is your “wisdom” best exemplified by your “intelligent and insightful” comment, “sex in media bad; puritan philosophy good?” You complain that nobody understands your oh-so-heavenly chunks of wisdom, and write “shallow” contradictions without addressing their points…and yet you routinely ignore valid points made in reply to your own posts, and instead whine about how people never seem to agree with you. Or is the fact that people disagree with you your basis for labeling them “shallow?”
    (D) Who here is trying to be offensive? It wouldn’t be someone who comes around to look down on the majority of people on the board, proclaim their wisdom, and lament about how lonely it is in an ivory tower, would it?

    …And, for the record, it is my fervently held opinion that [i]Lost in Space[/i] (the movie) was an abysmal piece of drek, and that Gary Oldman was tainted by his presence therein. I’ll give you [i]The Fifth Element[/i], though. Great filmic realization of what could have been a prime storyline in a vintage issue of [i]Heavy Metal[/i] back in the day.




    Originally posted by Aleck:
    …And, for the record, it is my fervently held opinion that [i]Lost in Space[/i] (the movie) was an abysmal piece of drek, and that Gary Oldman was tainted by his presence therein. I’ll give you [i]The Fifth Element[/i], though. Great filmic realization of what could have been a prime storyline in a vintage issue of [i]Heavy Metal[/i] back in the day.


    shame about lost in space but i guess a lot of the appeal of that show was the batman factor, so bad it was funny, and campy, and fashionable to be a part of…except batman had staying power and lost in space’s appeal rests largely in nostalgia for those of us that watched it as children…speaking of nostalgia, i was really upset when heavy metal went to a quarterly issue, i used to love ranxerox ,moebius et al and wait eagerly for the next month’s installment, the artwork was glorious and the storylines intriguing, if inconsistent, now i am going to have to dig out my old issues!who was your favorite artist? i really liked geiger, so cold and dark, but that look has almost become cliched because of the alien franchise, who did you like aleck?



    Originally posted by FX:
    [b] shame about lost in space but i guess a lot of the appeal of that show was the batman factor, so bad it was funny, and campy, and fashionable to be a part of…except batman had staying power and lost in space’s appeal rests largely in nostalgia for those of us that watched it as children…[/b]

    …Which is why, I think, that the [i]Lost in Space[/i] movie didn’t work. The show itself was campy fun, and the movie seemed to be an attempt to reverse that and make it more “serious.” In doing so, unfortunately, they forgot to work on the script, and ended up with a particularly hackneyed storyline (IMHO) that could have come out of *any* crappy sci-fi actioner. Batman, on the other hand, is a character that lends itself to a multitude of interpretations. In doing a movie, you could go the camp route (a la the TV show), the gritty route (as in Frank Miller’s [i]The Dark Knight Returns[/i] or [i]Year One[/i]), the surreal route (Grant Morrison’s [i]Arkham Asylum[/i]), etc. Burton’s films work because of the inherent malleability of the story.


    [b]speaking of nostalgia, i was really upset when heavy metal went to a quarterly issue, i used to love ranxerox ,moebius et al and wait eagerly for the next month’s installment, the artwork was glorious and the storylines intriguing, if inconsistent, now i am going to have to dig out my old issues!who was your favorite artist? i really liked geiger, so cold and dark, but that look has almost become cliched because of the alien franchise, who did you like aleck?

    Oh, I’m a Giger man, myself. I’ve got several books of his work, his Tarot deck, etc. Love the guy, and don’t care if his stuff has become too over-exposed. Aside from him, I’ve always liked Moebius’ work (another [i]Alien[/i] connection, as well as [i]The Fifth Element[/i]…have you ever seen the comix he did with Alejandro Jodorowsky? Mind-blowing stuff, that.), and on the more fantasy side of things, Richard Corben. Ranxerox does rule, as well (I can’t think of who the artist was on that series).



    L.S. all the way! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/cool.gif[/img]

    I give the 1998 [i]Lost in Space[/i] film four stars, and the no. 29 slot on my list of top 50 science fiction movies.

    The original [i]L.S.[/i] series started out all serious, and had some pretty well-thought-out stories, but there was a big problem with suspension of disbelief. It’s hard to make a realistic space show whan you’ve got a butget less than the original [i]Star Trek[/i]. And after a while they stopped trying to make it believible, and started running out of ideas for new shows, and et ended up deteriorating into typical 60s camp. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

    But the movie changed that. It brought the best elements of the series together into two hours of high-quality science fiction like nothing on Earth. I’m not very fond of time-travel stories, but [i]L.S.[/i] wasn’t as confusing as most and followed a reasonable plotline. Also above par was the artistic design, with much more creative aliens and locales than what one usually sees in sci-fi.

    But it was not just about exploring the farthest reaches of outer space, but of the human mind. The way I see it, the movie is about obsession. Smith’s obsession with sabotaging the mission (and later with hurting mankind as a whole), Will’s obsession with changing the past, Don’s obsession with his own self-image, and everyone’s obsession with finding Earth. The willingness to put yourself and those around you in danger to achieve a chimerical personal goal. If you ask me, the [i]L.S.[/i] movie was better than the show (on average).

    [i]The Fifth Element[/i], on the other hand, was a little weak. I give it two and a half stars. The basic premise was a good one, and it could have been great if they didn’t try to cram so many plotlines into it. You won’t know whether to laugh or to throw empty Mr. Pibb cans at the screen. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

    The design is superb, I’ll give them that (the art department didn’t get bogged down in trying to give an optomistic [i]Star Trek[/i]ish view of the universe). But it suffered from serious problems, not the least of which being Bruce Willis’ stiff acting. And nobody even [b]tries[/b] to disguise the fact that it is a horrendous ripoff of the [i]Star Wars[/i] films. Oldman and Tucker make it worth watching.

    The special effects are above average, but get tiresome. There reaches a point when you just want to say “enough, already! We get the idea: The Universe is full of flashy lights and C.G. objects. Just bring us to some sort of conclusion.” [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

    As for Mr. Giger, some of his work is okay but there is a lot that’s too weird for my taste. Give me Barlowe any day. Who is Moebius?

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Well I think it’s bloody GREAT!

    Seriously (almost), there are few places where you can have a good ol’argument about censorship in sci fi. It bugs the hell outa me. I think [b]all[/b] yer opinions are excellent!

    Dalek, I dissagree with a lot of what you think, but you are a well read peeps and knowledgable about lots of sci fi stuff – so I wanna hear it!

    We can dissagree with anyone, in a bulletin board. It’s not like we are arguing over the bar on a pub, it’s not like one of us is about to throw his/her beer over us for having such opinionated views. Hell, if you were to meet me in a pub you’d prolly think I was all shy and innocent [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    There are so many places where hosts have ‘vested interests’ and limit the debate on topics as sensitive as censorship. I really enjoy this thread BECAUSE it’s so hot.

    Oh, and by the way, tits and bums in sci fi is ok provided my grandma isn’t in the room while I’m watching. I know thats sexist but I’m a sadgeezer and I’m not too ashamed of it (at least until I get sober in the morning [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ).

    The thing that bothers me about the whole censorship issue, is the fact that Lex Giggerof will write something that he thinks is cool and then go back and edit it because the censors might not think it suitable for the viewing public.

    I’ve met the dude and he’s as nuts as any of us. I’d LOVE to se his stuff without the benefit of the censors scalpel and I hate the idea of some git determining what I am able to watch without losing a screw (going nuts).

    Gametown (or Girltown [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] ) is not going to make me want to go out and aggressively fondle some poor pedestrian, and I resent some dude deciding to cut scenes because he/she thinks that I might.

    Gigeroff, Donovan and the rest are very cool writers who have produced some whacky and innovative sci fi that we all enjoy – I wonder what they would have produced if they didn’t have to worry about censorship.

    Finally [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] (drunken rant is almost over) Two episodes of Angel were cut from Sky One in the UK because they were considered too violent/pornographic/gory for cable tv viewers in the UK. If you think you have it bad, remember that we also have complete tosspot/dickhead/morons on the British Board of Film and TV Censors. (One episode was with Cordelia pregnant by a demon – yep, that storyline got the whole episode axed!).

    Ok, rant over [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]




    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b][i]The Fifth Element[/i], on the other hand, was a little weak. I give it two and a half stars. The basic premise was a good one, and it could have been great if they didn’t try to cram so many plotlines into it. You won’t know whether to laugh or to throw empty Mr. Pibb cans at the screen. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/confused.gif[/img][/b]

    Seeing as how the whole movie was an exercise in style, I can appreciate it just for that. It’s probably one of the best visual simulations of a comic book that I can think of, and it succeeds in bringing the storytelling logic of comix to the screen. Just as comic books can be overly plotted, with threads going everywhere, and detailed visuals up the yazoo, the movie follows suit. It’s almost *exactly* like a Heavy Metal strip from its prime.


    [b]Who is Moebius?


    Jean “Moebius” Giraud was one of the best comic artists in the Heavy Metal roster. He’s also done a number of projects outside the magazine (most would probably be far too “adult” for your tastes, though). He’s an incredibly influential cat. He designed the spacesuits in the first [i]Alien[/i] film (and I want to say that he did the Nostromo as well, but I may be mistaken), and did TONS of design work for [i]The Fifth Element[/i]. He also was a conceptual artist for the films [i]The Abyss[/i], [i]Willow[/i] and [i]Masters of the Universe[/i].




    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] Jean “Moebius” Giraud was one of the best comic artists in the Heavy Metal roster. He’s an incredibly influential cat. and did TONS of design work for [i]The Fifth Element[/i]. He also was a conceptual artist for the films [i]The Abyss[/i], [i]Willow[/i] and [i]Masters of the Universe[/i].


    and what a light touch he had, aleck and dalek tek, i don’t know if either of you draw(i haven’t had time to sit in studio in years) but mobius’ work is so deft and clean especially compared to the more oldtime thunder-thigh types like frazetta (who also has a place in the pantheon of classic scifi/fantasy art) i wish i could say as much with two well placed lines as he does…sadgeezer, i am with you, i simply cannot watch prurient scenes with my father in the room! so i tape lexx or carefully edit the evenings’ viewings so that everyone can have fun [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] with my mother i can discuss the finer points of clockwork orange, but she loathes horror films…oh well, at least gladiator soothes everyone…dalek tek, that was a great way to look at lost in space, you make it sound like a scifi “heart of darkness” which also inspired apocalypse now, one of my alltime favorites, although i have only seen the “upbeat, moral american ending” [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] i guess i went to see ls just as aleck said, out of nostalgia for the campy series of my youth, and although i wasn’t as disappointed as aleck, i still viewed it through the longstanding expectations i had…i guess i’ll have to watch it again …oh and geezer, about fights in bars, they just arrested a guy in staten island, appears he punched a guy in a road rage incident, and the guy died a few days later, so watch those fisticuffs [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by FX:
    [b] i have given up on the pseudonym thing, and i refuse to discuss sex/censorship with dalek tek, but getting back to censorship, blackie brought up a good point, cutting for commercials which then use sex to sell, and you brought up england not allowing weird/violent stuff in…so do you think in the us censorship is less consistent and more commercially driven whereas the uk seems to be making a more consistent statement with their banning of certain works?


    Honey, I was wondering when someone would notice the best thing to do sometimes is just shake your head and just look away (ha!). Anyway, I got the uncut tape of “Battle” and what made no sense to me on TV (why the hades it took so long for Kai to ring that gong), made sense, when I saw that he had to make a couple stops along the way, one to kill an attacker(that was cut out). When I watched it on TV I kept thinking, why are they taking so long to check in on Xev?

    Oh, NB1, what nwmonikr said, and said so well, I might add, about the May/Kai scene(dear heavens where is that tape!?!). It was incredibly sensual and the blackguards cut the scene most foully. I was hoping the dead guy would hang out a shingle behind that scene! The doctor is in! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    Finally [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] (drunken rant is almost over) Two episodes of Angel were cut from Sky One in the UK because they were considered too violent/pornographic/gory for cable tv viewers in the UK. If you think you have it bad, remember that we also have complete tosspot/dickhead/morons on the British Board of Film and TV Censors. (One episode was with Cordelia pregnant by a demon – yep, that storyline got the whole episode axed!).

    Ok, rant over [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]


    Holey crap! First off, you’ve been tossin’ back a few of late, SadDude; I’m glad you’re not drivin’ to UnCon! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Second, preggars Cordy got cut in the UK? Wow, but that’s really not surprising, ‘cuz it’s okay to abuse women in our country, just don’t show them getting pleasured, that’s all. Raping ’em, killing ’em, blowing ’em up, demon-seeding ’em, demon-possessing ’em, stalking ’em, pimping ’em…I’m sure I left tons out but, all okay here. And, if the odd body part is kinda exposed during said activities, they kinda skirt it. But, let a woman do portray something that merely gives her pleasure, especially if it’s sexual, and watch those censors fly! So, we had no problem watching poor Cordelia knocked up by the demon brood over here! Geez, after that I think even [b]I[/b] need a beer. This brew’s for you, Sad! And, you censors can gai platz, g’dammit! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] (guess I told them! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img])


    Holy Cow! What was the other Angel show that was kept from UK viewers? The demon seed thing was actually pretty dang funny. It was a bit difficult to get very worked up over it (no pun intended.)
    Another thing I’ve noticed with our American TV, the little twits with their scissors don’t seem to have nearly the problem with the male TV stars being pleasured. But you are so right Black Cloud, saints preserve us if a woman enjoys it! I am just curious as Hades to see if anything happens between Alive Kai in season 4 and Xev. Who knows, alive Kai may just have a girlfriend.


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by LexxFan:
    [B]I saw the in a different post a complaint about episodes re-cut for the American market.

    Let’s remember who is doing the censoring here. There is no government regulation of content of shows on cable. I think that it is the SCI FI channel that decides what to cut and why. Not some group of “censors”. Cutting a show infringes on its artistic integrity and I am going to complian to the SCIFI channel. Usually it has something to do with fear of losing advertisments. Others who agree should join me in complaining to SCIFI channel!



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    Jean “Moebius” Giraud was one of the best comic artists in the Heavy Metal roster. He’s an incredibly influential cat. and did TONS of design work for The Fifth Element. He also was a conceptual artist for the films The Abyss, Willow and Masters of the Universe.

    Wow, I loved the look/style of The Abyss, Willow and of course Fifth Element. Is there a website to look into more of this artwork? I didn’t even realize these shows were connected in this way.

    I have kids. My husband and I didn’t really watch ratings on movies because we figured that we could tell when a movie was a kids or not. Easy, by the commercials, right? Not really. We took him to Starship Troopers, didn’t realize it would be graphic. He did a lot of hiding under our coats and plugging his ears. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to be scarred, but it taught us a lesson! From a parents point of veiw, the ratings are helpful and appreciated.

    Censorship: So many of you have so many valid points. I can only add from my point of view. I’m a tad cheesed off that the talk shows showed during the daytime can openly talk about affairs, hookers, pimps, strippers, etc, very adult subjects that could bring children to ask very awkward questions (which is why only kids networks are watched by my kids egads! I’m not ready to answer why Suzy’s hubby is upset she wears sexy underwear to a kindergartner) BUT at 10:00 p.m. they edit out a man looking at a woman’s shoulder. Do they claim the innuendo is too strong? but Suzy sleeping with three people at once is OK at one in the afternoon? PRIORITIES people! Gracious.

    back to my corner.

    “…we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what normal is anyway.”


    Personally, I think it is rediculous to edit out the boob scenes etc…. even if it doesn’t change the story line. I mean it’s not like they are doing hard core porn. The problem in America is the general publics “victorian” attitude towards sex and body parts. Sexual body parts that is!!! As someone before pointed out, Its Ok if someones head, arm, torso etc… gets blown up, torn off, ripped open, ect….Our public doesn’t mind seeing that. But show a Womans BREAST…Oh my god…you’d think they would stop and think about this for a minute. Would I rather have my kids see a Breast or Someone getting killed…hmmmmmmm..hard choice!!! I’d vote for the breast, ass etc…any time!!! Of course I want my kids to only see sex in a loving way, So I would most likely be a bigger censor than any other!! Ha!! BUT SERIOUSLY… I woman here in Miford CT,(this happened in the last 5 years), got arrested and ticketed for Breast- feeding her infant in her car!!!! It was later thrown out of court, but certainly says alot about our public. We supporters of breast-feeding have had to have laws passed so that the public would stop harrassing us for breast-feeding in public. Now anywhere that you can bottle-feed and infant, you can breast-feed, If you get harrassed the business, or town can get fined. Incredible that laws have to be passed for a woman to feed her baby in the best and most natural of ways. any way I’m rambling!!!!! soooooo I’m signing off!!!



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] Jean “Moebius” Giraud was one of the best comic artists in the Heavy Metal roster. He’s also done a number of projects outside the magazine (most would probably be far too “adult” for your tastes, though). He’s an incredibly influential cat. He designed the spacesuits in the first [i]Alien[/i] film (and I want to say that he did the Nostromo as well, but I may be mistaken), and did TONS of design work for [i]The Fifth Element[/i]. He also was a conceptual artist for the films [i]The Abyss[/i], [i]Willow[/i] and [i]Masters of the Universe[/i].


    I had no idea that Moebius had done design work on these films.Good stuff. A long time ago, still in the dark ages of animation, I worked on the first “Heavy Metal” film as an assistant animator. We had 2 stories to do, B17 and Harry Canyon which was designed by Moebius.It was a nice style to draw in.


    Hya Sad,
    I think I know which ep you are talking about. I don’t think I was dreaming[and I’m teetotal so I wasn’t P****d] but I did see that ep a couple of weeks ago. It was on terrestrial tv though. Do they really have different censorship for cable/satellite/terrestrial? [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/confused.gif[/img]
    That is just barmy [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Kog [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    [This message has been edited by kaisothergirl2 (edited April 24, 2001).]



    Originally posted by canuk:
    [b] I worked on the first “Heavy Metal” film as an assistant animator. We had 2 stories to do, B17 and Harry Canyon which was designed by Moebius.It was a nice style to draw in.[/b]

    dark ages of animation!!!!you mean like real artists actually drawing!!! don’t get me wrong, i admire the computer stuff too but let me shake your hand and thank you for the beautiful images you and your kind have given us to watch and wonder over ;it’s the difference between watching a musician play a real instrument, or listening to a computer generated orchestra…i still like the human element and thrill to human talent with a face! thanx again for the heavy metal movie [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]


    Okay, I think we can quickly and easily solve this which film is better viewing with a simple quiz:
    If you were trapped in the house with five friends, a keg of beer, and one video, which video would you want it to be?

    1. The Fifth Element: Bruce Willis,Milla Jovovich,Chris Tucker,Gary Oldman,Ian Holm, Tricky,Tom ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Brion James


    2. Lost in Space: William Hurt,Gary Oldman, Mimi Rogers,Matt LeBlanc,June Lockhart, Angela Cartwright,Jared Harris (a lot of “memory lane stuff there, if you’re old enough”)

    Oh, yes, there will be nachos included in this trapped state of being but only [b]ONE[/b] video which you must watch all weekend long.
    Now, I think think enough beer would make the yawnlehreport a yak-fest, but my choice would have to be Fifth Element. The visuals blew me away! I also liked LIS but think they fell far too short of their mark(to paraphrase Brando, they coulda been contendas, insteada just bums). Hand been a brew, some chips and turn on the the singin’ blue chick. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

    [This message has been edited by BlackCloud (edited April 26, 2001).]



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b]Okay, I think we can quickly and easily solve this which film is better viewing with a simple quiz:
    If you were trapped in the house with five friends, a keg of beer, and one video, which video would you want it to be?

    [This message has been edited by BlackCloud (edited April 26, 2001).][/b]

    Easy peasy, definitely Fifth Element. It’s one of those rare movies where I don’t seem to mind watching it more than twice. Lot’s of things to see!

    “…we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what normal is anyway.”


    You should come to Sweden!!! Where so free, when it comes to movies as you can get!!!

    Every movie or show are shown uncut! (Exept fore the once that a cut when they bouth it)

    Just look at our comurchels! Theres one shampoo that are realy popular with guys in sweden!!! Its a naked girl runing on the beach and swiming aso! Closeups to!!!

    Al the swedish movies that are made now have lots of nude and sex scens! (And we where one of the first to start make pornografic movies! But they where more culture back then than just sexmovies!)
    One of the big hits in sweden now is a movie about a man running around naked in Stockholm!

    In the summer everyone runs around halfnaked! (And everyone has sex with everyone, witch isent a good thing since it loses its meaning and peapol gets desises and stuff)

    Look at me going on and on! Sorry! When I start talking I cant stop!

    Anyway! You wont uncut movies and TV shows, come to Sweden!!!

    I am the crusader



    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]You should come to Sweden!!! Where so free, when it comes to movies as you can get!!!

    Anyway! You wont uncut movies and TV shows, come to Sweden!!!


    i think the carefree attitude in sweden comes under the name of fantasy because in sweden it is just too cold to run around naked… so all the swedes sit and think about it all the time while they wait for it to get warm or they can go someplace warm [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]


    First Time poster, but, I just couldn’t resist. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

    If it was just me, five friends, a Beer Keg (Full, I hope), and one Video, the choice, is simple:

    Hard-Core Porno

    But that’s just me.

    Oh, and these Five Friends.

    They wouldn’t, by any chance, be Female, and Highly Suggestible, would they?

    If you Ignore your Rights, they WILL, go away!


    My first post also. Hi all. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
    Great discussion. I feel that companies deciding what we can and can’t watch is treating us like we do not have any free will. In the end, it’s only seeing something, not actually DOING anything wrong yourself.
    And the Fifth Element is so much a better film than LIS. I find LIS bad for all the reasons Dalektek thought it was good and the Fifth Element great for all the reasons he disliked it [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]! The Fifth Element was brilliant looking as well, while LIS was, while ‘fun’, too spelled out for the audience.
    Well, that’s my rant.
    Oh, Sadgeezer? Great site [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/cool.gif[/img].



    RE the shoulder thing.. I thought it odd at first what Kai was doing, then realised that he was simply examining an injury on her shoulder. Why cut it?

    Dalek.. do you really disagree with everything anyone says?


    I say things, people disagree with ME.

    I said that, in the future, [i]Lexx[/i] should have less violence, less sex, and more morals. People disagreed with all three (but mainly focused on the sex).

    I voiced my opinion that His Divine Shadow was a great villain. People (mostly Aleck) disagreed with that.

    I pointed out that [i]Lexx[/i] was a show in the spirit of [i]Star Trek[/i]. People disagreed with that.

    With my luck, if I said I liked [i]Lexx[/i] everyone else would say the show was lousy. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b]I say things, people disagree with ME.


    tee hee [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] dalek tek, your answer reminds me of a joke;two loving parents are watching little brian march at some school function or another, and dad turns to mom and says “why is everyone out of step except brian?” in the interest of equal time however, i will point out that “consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds”(thoreau) and moreover,simply having your own opinions parroted back to you leads to complacency, and then stagnation…ie: i like your viewpoints, especially when you are not being snide so keep writing!…has anyone had the chance to view the lexx dvd’s with all the extras and sans censorship? what did you think?

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