Recently I’ve been silent on the Stargate board, refusing even to honour it with my presence, seeing as here in the beautiful land of Orstraya we are about a billion serieses behind the rest of the world, including those small methane-ice planets orbiting the star Vega who by some strange quirk of refraction, thermodynamics, nuclear physics and time itself actually get to see Stargate… *takes deep breath after pointless and unusually long-winded explanation*… however, I thought some of you might like to know that we are at last going to see the episode where Dr Jackson dies. Or at least I think we are. Stargate, being as treacherous as most other commercial sci-fi programs,is probably just telling us that someone is going to die to boost their ratings… but that’s another story. Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity, late though it may be (for reasons outlined above), to farewell Dr Jackson. The Stargate team will be far stupider without you…