Favorite Hoiliday Specials & Music

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    Favorite Holiday Specials & Music

    Well it is officially Christmas for me now. I have seen ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ not once….but twice! 😀 😀

    I have watched this every single year since it first came out. The year it debuted I begged to say home from going to see Christmas lights so that I could watch it. Over the years (before VHS) it has occasionally required a bit of conniving to do it, but I managed. One memorable year was when I was working nights at the hospital and I convinced EVERY patient on our ward to put it on so that no matter where the head nurse and I ended up, it would be on TV. She suspected something after a few rooms, but went along with it. 😀

    Of course now, I have the vhs AND DVD so that is not a problem…. but still it doesn’t feel like Christmas until I catch it on TV. 😀

    Music? I love to listen to Carol of the Bells by Transsiberian Orchestra, Hallelujah Chorus and ….guilty pleasures here ‘Captain Santa Claus and his Reindeer Space Control’ and ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ 😳 😉 .


    ” and the boys of the NYPD choir were singing ‘Galway Bay’ and the bells were ringing out for Christmas day!”

    -Fairytale of NewYork, Shane McGowan & Kristy McColl


    I’m a sucker for the “Peanuts” holiday special about Charlie Brown’s lame X-mas tree. I also have a soft spot for the Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer special with Burl Ives as Frosty.

    Music- the transsiberian orchestra also does a fantastic version of Pachabel’s Cannon called the X-mas Cannon, complete with a small chorus part. Also, didn’t the Ramones do a X-mas tune about Snoopy and the Red Baron? I admit it grew on me and one of the local radio stations plays it often.


    As a kid I always looked forward to Halloween and X-mas “Peanuts”.

    As an adult, I love the Wizard of Oz. Even though it’s not really a X-mas themed movie, it’s that time of the year I always tune in once or twice to watch it 🙂


    Well the second way that I can tell it is Christmas is by not being able to escape the movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

    No matter where you click this time of year it is on! One year I was found it on three separate channels with about 5 or 10 minutes lag time between each one. At first I got confused wondering if someone had put in a tape or something, it was like ‘Hey! I just watched that.” Both Freaking and scary 😀

    But on the less Scary side. I also like the Charlie Brown specials. I find them strangely soothing……


    The Morcambe and Wise Christmas Special is required viewing for any self respecting Brit. Their comic genius still shines after all these years, and not a swear word in sight. Second up is the Bond Movie on Boxing Day. I am gutted because there isn’t one this year. What am I going to do after Boxing Day lunch! I will have to resort to the video collection and choose my own. However we are getting the full original Star Wars triolgy this year. Nice one! OK, so everyone have the gold Video set and the DVD special edition but WHO CARES! 😀

    Last year I was contracted to an electricity company and they gave me an office over a huge warehouse. The guys in the warehouse had the local radio station playing all day and if I hear Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody, Do They Know It’s Christmas or Wizard’s Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day, I shall ‘go Alien’.

    Have a hyperspatial Christmas and remember; moderation is for whimps but only a prat drinks and drives.


    ‘A Christmas Carol’- the 1951 version with Alistair Sim. It’s been an unavoidable tradition as far back as I can remember. And the Queen’s Christmas Message.


    Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
    My favourite movies are: The Preacher’s Wife, The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2, A Christmas Story & It’s a Wonderful Life.
    My favourite shows are: The Grinch That Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is comin’ to Town, A Yr Without a Santa Claus, among a few others.
    My favourite holiday music varies from Silent Night to Jingle Bells; so, I really don’t have any 1 I like more than the other.
    I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas & got everything you asked for; I also hope that some of you had a white 1 too.

    Happy Boxing Day,
    Jhevz 😉


    I watched, again, a Rowan Atkinson double-bill: Merry Christmas Mr. Bean and Blackadder’s Christmas Carol.

    I also wached this Saturday Night Live TV Funhouse Christmas clip online @ http://homepage.mac.com/jlgolson/bluechristmas.mov

    It proved controversial, and is not really n the best of taste. I make no comment on the material, and neither endorse nor condone clicking on the link.

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