Favorite Lexx moment

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    Okay, I’m surprised we haven’t done this before. It came up on the chat. What is your favorite scene in all of Lexx?

    Mine would be the beginning of Mantrid when His Divine Shadow recaps his history and the events of the Lexx movies. When I first watched Mantrid I had only seen about 5 episodes of the show but had a general idea of what it was about.

    The first thing I see is what looks like a pillbug with ball bearings on its underside tumbling through space. Then the audience is treated with the haunting voice of Walter Borden. “Many years ago, the humans defeated us in the Great Insect War.” My first thought is “hey, that guy sounds just like Stephen Hawking” (of course he says human like ‘uman, so there’s a little of Carl Sagan mixed in ). Then we go through the part about him being His Divine Shadow, which was the first glimpse I ever got of the movie season. And the story ended with “…but Kai does not know that I live through him” and Kai’s eyes cloud over in black like the people in The X-Files possessed by the black oil.

    When I saw Mantrid for the first time I was watching Lexx on a regular basis, but I wasn’t really into it. That episode was absolutely spellbinding, and got me hooked on the show permanently. And the beginning was an amazing introduction to the world of Lexx.

    What’s your favorite Lexx moment?


    my fav lexx moment would be when Zev dies and becomes yellow goo at the end of Terminal,i thought that was a very emotional scene,one of the best


    SirLexxAlot (nice nick) said it first. Or in Brigadoon, when Xev and Kai are singing about how they’re about to die, and Xev sings “But if I must die, I’ll be with you Kai, etc” and he looks at her with whatever passes for love with Kai..admiration probably.


    I haven’t seen too many episodes, but the bit in End of the Universe where 790 plus hand strokes Xev’s face when she thinks she is going to die – I thought that was sweet.
    I also liked Kai on the command stand (is that what it’s called?) in the same episode, and his unusually impassioned dialogue with Mantrid in that scene. ‘Good riddance, Mantrid’, etc.


    It’s hard to pick a favorite scene. There were so many.

    The first favorite scene of mine that comes to mind is an odd one. In K-Town, Stan and Xev are stuck at the bottom of a hole. Tish and the other crazies are flinging stones down at them. At this point, Stan and Xev are feeling miserable. They were in the worst situation since they came to Fire and Water. Stuck on a harsh planet with no transportation, food, or water, trapped at the bottom of a hole with maniacs stoning them. A glimmer of hope appears when Kai shows up. But he’s unable to help because he’s malfunctioning. It is from that lowest point that our heroes climb back up and eventually prevail at the end of the series.

    Either that or any scene involving Xev and a shower. When you think about it, every shower on the Lexx is a “golden shower”! (Eeeeeewwww!)


    [“flings stones” at Flamegrape]


    Stupid fool!



    I have 2 favorite episodes, and both of them involve Kai running amuck… “Wake the Dead,” in which Kai loses his mind and begins his killing rampage… craziness works wonders on people… he had some great dialog in that ep. And the second episode in which I had a kick out of Kai was “Twilight”… Who can forget… “the wheel, it turns, it spins around… it makes an ancient rumbling sound…” and “the billowing clouds…” He honestly had me rolling…


    “The wheel, it turns, it spins around…it makes an ancient rumbling sound…”


    My favourite Lexx scene would have to be at the end of End Of The Universe, when Mantrid is screaming ‘I destroyed a universe, I destroyed a universe…’ and then says ‘and we destroyed you’ and crunches him. Then she looks up as if to say ‘what? What did I do?’


    I personally liked the looks on Xev’s face in 769 when Kai was probing her. But then, that’s just me.


    Just realized that I said 769 insted of Bad Carrot. Oops. My favorite scene is Kai probing Xev in Bad Carrot.


    Spathiwa!!!! Great name Computer game Series worthy of its own television show/ movie.

    My favorite scenes are any Series2 scene between Lyekka and Stan. My particular favorite is when Stan tells her “You’re okay with me Lyekka” then reaches out risking his life by touching her face.

    My favorite scene this series has gotta be the first scene from Xevivor. The conversation is hilarious and the way 790 ends it with Yo Momma, had me rolling.


    LexxLurker, Congrats on being the second person to recognize the origin of my name.


    Now that I’ve seen all of my taped and previously unseen Lexx episodes, I’ve decided that my favourite scene is when the villagers are advancing on Dracl’s castle chanting ‘Dead Thing Pie! Dead Thing Pie!’
    For emotional, I’d have to say the best emotional scene was in Magic Baby when Xev gets killed.


    There are soo many to pick from…how can I pick just one…

    Well the first one that came to mind was Stan’s big epiphany at the end of Brigadoom so I’ll go with that.


    My favorite moment of Lexx was in “Gametown” when Stan realizes that May had betrayed him. It was a real shocker to me. I thought , after seeing “May”, that Stan had finally found someone to care for, besides a dream/plant (Lyekka). We both were let down. Kudos to the beans for a well played scene!

    p.s. does anyone know if Ralph Brown or Ann Blueler (I think I spelled her last name wrong.) are going to be in S4’s last few episodes?

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