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    Read what I had to say about it in an earlier thread:


    The Final Fantasy movie is GREAT!….if you play that kind of game (like I do). The plot would seem like utter ****e to anybody who isn’t used to playing Japanese-styled games like FF. I’ve noticed that most of the people who DID like the movie were Playstation owners or people who had played the PC versions of the game, because we know how this sort of thing should go, the reason being the plot would only be discernible to an avid fan of FF. So, if you’re going to watch the thing, I suggest you play at least two of the games first. That’s what I think anyway.


    Has anyone seen this movie? Is it good or is it crap? Better than the game or what? I didn’t really like it (at all) but I’m interested in hearing other people’s opinions. TX.


    Flamegrape, I have to agree with you – amazing graphics, but it was utter crap. Nice graphics do not made a good movie. I like movies with a strong plotline. That took the plotline and ran with it, nearly forgetting to put it in the movie as it flashed past. (Oh dear, what horrible English teacher taught me to talk like that?)
    Son of Bester (I would just put the initials in instead of putting all that, but SoB isn’t a great thing to be called) I have seen the FF game and I just can’t make sense of it, either. It must be an aquired taste.


    Yeah, I have to admit, FF IS an acquired taste, but the world would be a damnned boring place if we were all the same, wouldn’t it?

    P.S. Don’t worry about the initials thing. The reason I chose the nickname [i][b]Son Of Bester[/b][/i] was [i]because[/i] of the double-entendre in it! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Besides, if Bester did have a son, he’d have a big chance of being an S.O.B. too, dontcha think?


    quote[quote] Yeah, I have to admit, FF IS an acquired taste, but the world would be a damnned boring place if we were all the same, wouldn’t it? [/quote]
    Yep, it would be. Quite frankly I shudder at the thought!

    quote[quote] Besides, if Bester did have a son, he’d have a big chance of being an S.O.B. too, dontcha think? [/quote]
    I agree with that one too, but the thought of Bester married makes me shudder as well. I just can’t imagine it.


    LOVED the movie.
    Never played the games. Up until a few weeks ago I thought the games were fighting games like Tekken or something so I never got interested [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Beautiful movie. Terrible plot and dialogue. I recomend turning off the volume on the TV and putting in your favorite music in the CD player.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Beautiful movie. Terrible plot and dialogue. I recomend turning off the volume on the TV and putting in your favorite music in the CD player.

    You are being way too harsh on this one, Flamegrape. The plot and dialogue wasn’t THAT bad. It’s most certainly watchable and requires that you view it with an open mind.



    Originally posted by Larraq:

    You are being way too harsh on this one, Flamegrape. The plot and dialogue wasn’t THAT bad. It’s most certainly watchable and requires that you view it with an open mind.

    Actually, I’m not being harsh enough.

    I did view it with an open mind. And I was very aware that it was based on a videogame. I expected a certain amount of silliness or “videogame logic”, if you will. What I didn’t expect was that the movie was essentially one, big, long videogame cut-scene.

    A cut-scene is that little bit of animation that one sees at the end or beginning of a level of a videogame. For example, your character reaches the goal or defeats the enemy. You are then rewarded with a cool animation of your character being victorious, have a little dialogue, and then introduce the player to the next level of gameplay or the end of the game.

    You see, during the entire [i]Final Fantasy[/i] movie, I kept wanting to “press any key” to skip the stupid cut-scene and get to the next level of the videogame. But there was no key for me to press and no videogame to return to playing!

    You must understand something. The same production company that created the animations for the Final Fantasy videogame cut-scenes thought their work was so cool that it was worth putting up on the silver screen. They were right in the respect that it was cool-[b]looking[/b]. But the plot, script, and dialogue sucked ass. And they knew it. And the audience knew it because the movie bombed. That production company is no longer persuing computer-animated movies. They knew they sucked and so they quit.

    And it seemed to me that they could have invested some time in plot or dialogue, but they clearly didn’t. If they only hired good writers. Also understand that this is the typical plight of all videogame production companies. The writing for most videogames is very bad. This is because it’s usually written by the artists or programers themselves. Frequently, they hire friends and family to do the voices. Or they use cheap writers and actors with poor direction. Really, really good videogames fall victim to this too. (There are rare exceptions.) The trouble with the [i]Final Fantasy Movie[/i] was this ineptitude was [b]directly[/b] translated to the big screen. Movie theaters are not videogame consoles.

    I am so glad I didn’t pay money to see this in the theater.


    I totaly disagree with you!
    Its clear that you dont know much about videogame! Sure there are some that does it like that but not the big selling game! Trust me, I know! Its a big buisness and alot of work goes in to it! It has become an art for more then just intertainment! Check the Final Fantasy games, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, Silent Hill 1 and 2, Run like Hell aso.! Good actors (MGS 1 and 2 has they guy who made X-Men in the voise as Solid Snake, Run Like Hell has The guy from Millenium, Janeway from Star Trek Voyager and many more!
    The story gets deeper and deeper!
    The script whriters are considewred some of the best in the world!
    The guy who made the script for FF is the guy who invented the game and has made the scriped for everyone of the games!

    The movie was great! The reson why it flopped was that people are to narrowminded! They just cant se animated as real! If it was a movie with actors it had toped the lists!
    This movie was his dream! To make the first real movie fully animated!
    The scriped was great! To deep for some maybe but great! The music to and I think the actors did a great job!



    Originally posted by :
    The movie was great! The reson why it flopped was that people are to narrowminded! They just cant se animated as real! If it was a movie with actors it had toped the lists!
    This movie was his dream! To make the first real movie fully animated!
    The scriped was great! To deep for some maybe but great! The music to and I think the actors did a great job!

    The script was terrible. The plot was too confusing. The movie did not sufficiently engage me enough to care about the characters. As far as plot and character development was concerned, [i]Showgirls[/i] was far more interesting.

    Everything else about [i]Final Fantasy[/i] was good. The animation was wonderful. And as I recall, the music was pretty good too.

    But the story did not grab me at all. I could not figure out why I should care about what happens to any of the characters in the film.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:

    The script was terrible. The plot was too confusing. The movie did not sufficiently engage me enough to care about the characters. As far as plot and character development was concerned, [i]Showgirls[/i] was far more interesting.

    Everything else about [i]Final Fantasy[/i] was good. The animation was wonderful. And as I recall, the music was pretty good too.

    But the story did not grab me at all. I could not figure out why I should care about what happens to any of the characters in the film.

    Agree with you Flame, FF was done more to suit the Anime market than the regular cinema going Joe.
    Anime itself tends to be confusing, often breaking the story to go off on other tangents which makes it hard to follow. FF did the same, it was groundbreaking computer work, but it was let down terribly by it’s story and direction, the ending was bizzare, it continued in the same way throughout the film and then abruptly ended, most of us like films that build up to a climatic ending, FF just seemed to stop.
    Crusader, I don’t think people didn’t like it through narrowmindedness, I’m sure most of us went along for the eye candy and left feeling that while the graphics were outstanding, the storyline was lame. Without a doubt it was unique, but it reminded me of the intro sequence to the games, while they are entertaining, the quality would not make the grade for cinema, and by that I do mean the plot and acting.
    Like I said, if you like Anime then it’s likely to give you a good time, those who are either not fans of anime or have not really seen it would find it bemusing.
    A friend of mine couldn’t stop crowing about it when he saw the trailer and spent several months raving about it, he went to see it and he was very disappointed.
    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    Just thought I’d add something else.
    FF fell foul of a long stream of movies that came over from either comic book adaptations and videogames and bombed.
    Streetfighter, MK2 and FF just have sucked, in FF’s case ir does seem that the FF Squaresoft team made the fatal error of believing that what works in their game will work on film, it doesn’t because the cutscenes are mixed in to blend with the game, so in the game the cutscenes are just pointers to the direction the game goes.
    Squaresoft did not anticipate that there are other people who went to see the movie who are not die hard fans of FF, and FF seemed just to want to appease those die hard fans.
    I wouldn’t say that it was intentional for it to be bad, just that they made the wrong choice, they tried to port a game over to a movie literally, giving no real thought as to what is required for a movie, in essence they still thought they were making a game.
    They should have let the professional movie makers do the job, case in point, Avi Arad’s involvement with Mutant X, the people at Squaresoft are relative novices in this arena and tried something that will never work.
    Take Tomb Raider, it wasn’t left to Eidos to do it, they made sure they got the best to do the job, if not we would have ended up with Lara just jumping around a lot and beating up bad guy’s, fun for a while, but without a good story and dialogue it also wouls’ve bombed.
    Same for Resident Evil, I think they learned from FF and took the example of Tomb Raider in it’s plot, the game makers allowed for the film makers to have creative licence in the films, so essentially mixing the characters of the game into a story that has nothing much to do with the games.
    There is too much of a big divide in games and film in that the two are not interchangeable, you will always lose something when taking a game to film and vica versa. The FF team did not take that into account and attempted the impossible scenario, by essentially taking a game’s impressive cut scene ideals to put on the silver screen.


    Good points, Squishy.

    I’d also like to add that [i]Resident Evil[/i] was the best translation of a videogame into a movie that I’ve ever seen.

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