Garden revisited

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    When I first started to watch Lexx, I promised myself I wouldn’t try to analyse anything.It was just to enjoy. So, that said, here is my spin on Garden and Kai’s odd behaviour. He is the only one of the crew who can definitely not procreate. Yet, Kai is the one who asks the questions about the lack of children on Boomtown and the lack of men on Garden. He has already died well so, what next. I think when the woman on Garden suggests that he stay and decompose to help produce new life,something on a subconscience level is telling him that this is a good idea. However,I don’t believe Kai thought about the long decomposition process and lying there like a twit with friends stopping by to say so!


    Sometimes I feel like the only viewer that liked Garden! I agree that Kai is attempting to rejoin the cycle of life and death by adding himself to the compost heap. Since he is thousands of years old, maybe he wasn’t expecting anything to happen for quite a while & he was going to wait there throughout the millenia. I also like the surrealistic look of the episode.


    garden is a hard eppy for me, i fell asleep and woke up in the middle of it feeling as though i had hit alice in wonderland transported to oz…i agree that as usual kai is the only one who asks the questions that we are all thinking about whereas stan and xev seem to just react, and again, i think that kai in a way is the most “human” of the characters;he had a real life and has had a lot of time to reflect on the human condition and to question, whereas stan and xev never really developed in an uncontrolled environment, so in a way kai is the “normal” person and has more in common with the average viewer and “speaks” to us pitiful earthlings more than stan and xev or prince or mantrid who are definitely more “unearthly” …nice little paradox about lexx, you identify the most with a reanimated dead man or a robot head


    I am another who liked Garden. So there are a few of us!!! I basically liked it for the previously mentioned reasons. Truth be told, there are very few episodes that I did not like!


    “Garden it does give, give, give!” I liked it too, Canuk! I liked it because, as usual, Stan and Xev were looking for what they could get but Kai only saw the opportunity to give; even if it did mean lying and waiting for centuries to decompose. Also, all the great ladies(and some o’ the gents) in my life are/were gardeners with great gardens which I loved to get lost in or hide out in or have the poopers scared outta me in {lotta bugs in gardens! } But, like the Garden, Kai’s a giver, not a taker. I think the episode represented him well, in a kinda autistic way.



    Originally posted by BlackCloud:

    having watched a few scenes of various films being shot in ny, i have come to the conclusion that all actors must be somewhat autistic to put up with shooting the same 2 minutes of film over and over and over …as in seemingly meaningless activity repeated endlessly hats off to ’em anyway for Job-patience or autism or whatever, long as it continues to entertain us!

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